/*! * Collapse plugin for jQuery * http://github.com/danielstocks/jQuery-Collapse/ * * @author Daniel Stocks (http://webcloud.se) * @version 0.9.1 * @updated 17-AUG-2010 * * Copyright 2010, Daniel Stocks * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses. */ (function($) { // Use a cookie counter to allow multiple instances of the plugin var cookieCounter = 0; $.fn.extend({ collapse: function(options) { var defaults = { head : "h3", group : "div, ul", cookieName : "collapse", // Default function for showing content show: function() { this.show(); }, // Default function for hiding content hide: function() { this.hide(); } }; var op = $.extend(defaults, options); // Default CSS classes var active = "active", inactive = "inactive"; return this.each(function() { // Increment coookie counter to ensure cookie name integrity cookieCounter++; var obj = $(this), // Find all headers and wrap them in for accessibility. sections = obj.find(op.head).wrapInner(''), l = sections.length, cookie = op.cookieName + "_" + cookieCounter; // Locate all panels directly following a header var panel = obj.find(op.head).map(function() { var head = $(this) if(!head.hasClass(active)) { return head.next(op.group).hide()[0]; } return head.next(op.group)[0]; }); // Bind event for showing content obj.bind("show", function(e, bypass) { var obj = $(e.target); // ARIA attribute obj.attr('aria-hidden', false) .prev() .removeClass(inactive) .addClass(active); // Bypass method for instant display if(bypass) { obj.show(); } else { op.show.call(obj); } }); // Bind event for hiding content obj.bind("hide", function(e, bypass) { var obj = $(e.target); obj.attr('aria-hidden', true) .prev() .removeClass(active) .addClass(inactive); if(bypass) { obj.hide(); } else { op.hide.call(obj); } }); // Look for existing cookies if(cookieSupport) { for (var c=0;c<=l;c++) { var val = $.cookie(cookie + c); // Show content if associating cookie is found if ( val == c + "open" ) { panel.eq(c).trigger('show', [true]); // Hide content } else if ( val == c + "closed") { panel.eq(c).trigger('hide', [true]); } } } // Delegate click event to show/hide content. obj.bind("click", function(e) { var t = $(e.target); // Check if header was clicked if(!t.is(op.head)) { // What about link inside header. if ( t.parent().is(op.head) ) { t = t.parent(); } else { return; } e.preventDefault(); } // Figure out what position the clicked header has. var num = sections.index(t), cookieName = cookie + num, cookieVal = num, content = t.next(op.group); // If content is already active, hide it. if(t.hasClass(active)) { content.trigger('hide'); cookieVal += 'closed'; if(cookieSupport) { $.cookie(cookieName, cookieVal, { path: '/', expires: 10 }); } return; } // Otherwise show it. content.trigger('show'); cookieVal += 'open'; if(cookieSupport) { $.cookie(cookieName, cookieVal, { path: '/', expires: 10 }); } }); }); } }); // Make sure can we eat cookies without getting into trouble. var cookieSupport = (function() { try { $.cookie('x', 'x', { path: '/', expires: 10 }); $.cookie('x', null); } catch(e) { return false; } return true; })(); })(jQuery);