2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
class core{
public static $settings = '';
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Наполняем базу городов, регионов и стран
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2023-05-03 14:51:58 +05:00
static function get_geo_api($ip){
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
$ch = curl_init('http://ip-api.com/json/' . $ip . '?lang=ru');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
$res = curl_exec($ch);
$res = json_decode($res, true);
return $res;
static function geo(){
2022-12-11 15:29:37 +05:00
$strana_id = \DB::getValue('SELECT `id` FROM `strana` WHERE `txt` = "' . $res['country'] . '"');
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
if (!$strana_id && $res['country'])$strana_id=\DB::add("INSERT INTO `strana` (`txt`) VALUES (?)", array($res['country']));
2023-02-08 16:59:59 +05:00
$region_id = \DB::getValue('SELECT `id` FROM `region` WHERE `txt` = "' . $res['regionName'] . '" AND `strana_id` = ' . $strana_id);
if ( !$region_id && $res['regionName'] )$region_id = \DB::add("INSERT INTO `region` (`txt`, `strana_id`) VALUES (?, ?)", array($res['regionName'], $strana_id));
$city_id = \DB::getValue('SELECT `id` FROM `city` WHERE `txt` = "' . $res['city'] . '" AND `strana_id` = ' . $strana_id . ' AND `region_id`=' . $region_id);
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
if (!$city_id && $res['city'] ){
2023-02-08 16:59:59 +05:00
$city_id = \DB::add("INSERT INTO `city` (`txt`, `strana_id`, `region_id`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" , array( $res['city'], $strana_id, $region_id) );
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Берем настройки модуля/сайта
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function getSettings($set, $mod='global'){
2023-01-14 21:17:46 +05:00
//echo 'SELECT `json` FROM `settings` WHERE `mod` = "' . $mod . '" LIMIT 1';
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
$txt = \DB::getValue('SELECT `json` FROM `settings` WHERE `mod` = "' . $mod . '" LIMIT 1');
2022-12-11 15:29:37 +05:00
$massiv = \json::from_j($txt);
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
return $massiv[$set];
2022-12-24 21:12:23 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-09 19:52:26 +05:00
Все настройки модуля
2022-12-24 21:12:23 +05:00
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2023-04-09 19:52:26 +05:00
static function setSettingsMod($mod='global'){
$json=\DB::getValue("SELECT `json` FROM `settings` WHERE `mod`=?", $mod);
// echo $json;
return \json::from_j($json);
2022-12-24 21:12:23 +05:00
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Авторизация по куки
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function loginCookies ( ) {
if ( @$_COOKIE['cookies'] && !@$_SESSION['user_id']){
2022-12-11 15:29:37 +05:00
$res = \json::from_j ( base64_decode ( $_COOKIE['cookies'] ) );
$users = \DB::getAll('SELECT `dostup`, `act` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $res['user_id'] . '" AND `pwd`="' . $res['pwd'] . '" LIMIT 1');
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
if ( $users[0]['dostup'] ) {
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $res['user_id'];
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
$_SESSION['dostup'] = $users[0]['dostup'];
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Получаем данные корзины
2022-12-24 21:12:23 +05:00
Выводим массив, в массиве cart - все содержимое корзины, в summ - итог корзины
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function getCart ( ) {
2023-05-03 14:51:58 +05:00
$session_id = ( @$_SESSION['user_id'] ) ? @$_SESSION['user_id'] : session_id();
2023-03-11 21:03:29 +05:00
$cart = \DB::getAll( "SELECT * FROM `cart` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `order` IS NULL", $session_id );
2022-12-24 21:12:23 +05:00
$summ = 0;
//Получаем название товаров и цены
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $cart ); $i++ ){
2023-07-12 20:02:20 +05:00
$t=\DB::getRow( "SELECT `title`, `cena` FROM `tovar` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1", $cart[$i]['tovar_id'] );
//$cart[$i]['title'] = \DB::getValue( "SELECT `title` FROM `tovar` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1", $cart[$i]['tovar_id'] );
$cart[$i]['title'] = $t['title'];
$cart[$i]['cena'] = $t['cena'];
2022-12-24 21:12:23 +05:00
$cart[$i]['img'] = \DB::getValue( "SELECT `filename` FROM `tovar_img` WHERE `tovar_id`=? LIMIT 1", $cart[$i]['tovar_id'] );
2023-07-12 20:02:20 +05:00
//$cart[$i]['cena'] = \DB::getValue( "SELECT `cena` FROM `tovar_price_history` WHERE `tovar_id`=? ORDER BY `t` DESC LIMIT 1", $cart[$i]['tovar_id'] );
2022-12-24 21:12:23 +05:00
$cart[$i]['st'] = $cart[$i]['kolvo'] * $cart[$i]['cena'];
$summ = $summ + $cart[$i]['st'];
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
2022-12-24 21:12:23 +05:00
$result['cart'] = $cart;
$result['summ'] = $summ;
return $result;
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
2022-12-24 21:12:23 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Получаем данные об основной организации пользователя
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function getUserMainOrg ( $user_id ) {
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function detect_ip ( ) {
$ip = false;
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) and preg_match("#^[0-9.]+$#", $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {
else if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REAL_IP"]) and preg_match("#^[0-9.]+$#", $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REAL_IP"])) {
else if (preg_match("#^[0-9.]+$#", $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) {
return $ip;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
private static function redirectAfterLogin($dostup){
if ( $dostup=='a' || $dostup=='m' ) header( 'Location: /admin/' );
2022-12-11 15:29:37 +05:00
if ( $dostup=='u' ) header( 'Location: /' . self::getSettings('default_mod_auth') . '/' );
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
static function login ( ) {
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
$user = \DB::getAll( 'SELECT `id`, `dostup` FROM `users` WHERE `email` = ? AND `pwd`=? LIMIT 1', array( $_POST['email'], md5( $_POST['pwd'] ) ) );
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
if ( $user[0]['dostup'] ) {
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
$_SESSION['dostup'] = $user[0]['dostup'];
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user[0]['id'];
if ( $_POST['remember'] == 'on' && $user[0]['dostup'] ) {
$_SESSION['pwd'] = md5($_POST['pwd']);
2022-12-11 15:29:37 +05:00
$cookies = base64_encode ( \json::to_j ( $_SESSION ) );
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
$tri_mes = time() + 31536000;
setcookie ( 'cookies', $cookies, $tri_mes, '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] );
self::redirectAfterLogin( $user[0]['dostup'] );
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Получаем данные о пользователе
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function getUserInfo ( $id ) {
2023-08-14 09:15:58 +05:00
//echo 'SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' . $id . ' LIMIT 1';
$user = \DB::getAll( 'SELECT `fio` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1', $id );
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
return $user;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2023-07-12 20:02:20 +05:00
/*static function crypt ( $String, $act='crypt', $pwd ) {
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
if ($act=='crypt')$String=base64_encode($String);
$StrLen = strlen($String);
$Seq = $Password;
$Gamma = '';
while (strlen($Gamma)<$StrLen){
$Seq = pack("H*",sha1($Gamma.$Seq.$Salt));
$result = $String^$Gamma;
if ($act=='decrypt')$String=base64_decode($String);
return $result;
2023-07-12 20:02:20 +05:00
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Генератор паролей
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function genpassword ( $number=10 ) {
$arr = array('a','b','c','d','e','f', 'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','r','s','t','u','v','x','y','z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0');
$pass = "";
for($i = 0; $i < $number; $i++){
$index = rand(0, count($arr) - 1);
$pass .= $arr[$index];
return $pass;
2023-01-02 21:33:36 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-01-07 18:55:55 +05:00
Получаем мета-теги - для модулей не имеющих свои теги (используется в /main)
2023-01-02 21:33:36 +05:00
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function getMeta ( $mod, $id=0) {
$massiv= \DB::getAll( 'SELECT * FROM `meta` WHERE `id` = ? AND `mod`=? LIMIT 1', array( $id, $mod ) );
if (count($massiv)==0) \DB::add("INSERT INTO `meta` (`id`, `mod`) VALUES (?, ?)", array( $id, $mod ));
return $res;
2022-12-17 18:15:09 +05:00
2023-01-07 18:55:55 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Хлебные крошки
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2023-02-28 21:22:24 +05:00
static function getBreadcrumb ( $table, $category ) {
$p = $category;
$i = 0;
while ( $p!=0 ){
$massiv = \DB::getAll( "SELECT `id`, `title`, `category` FROM `" . $table . "` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1", $p );
$res[$i]['id'] = $massiv[0]['id'];
$res[$i]['title'] = $massiv[0]['title'];
2023-01-07 18:55:55 +05:00
2023-02-28 21:22:24 +05:00
$p = $massiv[0]['category'];
2023-01-07 18:55:55 +05:00
2023-08-14 09:15:58 +05:00
if (@$res)return array_reverse ( $res );
2023-01-07 18:55:55 +05:00
2023-02-08 16:59:59 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Архиватор и разорхиватор
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2023-02-28 21:22:24 +05:00
static function zip ( $txt ) {
return base64_encode(gzcompress ( $txt, 9 ) );
2023-02-08 16:59:59 +05:00
2023-02-28 21:22:24 +05:00
static function unzip ( $txt ) {
2023-02-08 16:59:59 +05:00
return gzuncompress ( base64_decode ( $txt ) );
2023-02-28 21:22:24 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Проверяем ид или ид сессии пользователя (для Интернет-магазина)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function checkMe ( ) {
return ( $_SESSION['user_id'] ) ? $_SESSION['user_id'] : session_id();
2023-03-11 21:03:29 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Добавляем в корзину
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function addToCart ($tovar_id, $kolvo=1 ) {
\DB::set("ALTER TABLE `cart`
CHANGE `user_id` `user_id` varchar(50) NULL AFTER `tovar_id`;");
// $session_id = \core::checkMe();
//Получаем количество, если есть...
$kolvo = \DB::getValue( "SELECT `kolvo` FROM `cart` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `tovar_id`=?", array( $user_id, $_POST['pages_id'] ) );
if ($kolvo){
\DB::set("UPDATE `cart` SET `kolvo`=? WHERE `user_id`=? AND `tovar_id`=?", array( $kolvo, $user_id, $_POST['pages_id'] ) );
$insert_id = \DB::add( "INSERT INTO `cart` (`t`, `tovar_id`, `user_id`, `kolvo`) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", array(time(), $_POST['pages_id'], $user_id, $_POST['kolvo'] ) );
//Суммируем содержимое корзины и выводим в js
$summ = 0;
$cart = \DB::getAll( "SELECT `tovar_id`, `kolvo` FROM `cart` WHERE `user_id`=?", $user_id );
for ( $i=0; $i<count( $cart ); $i++ ){
$cena = \DB::getValue( "SELECT `cena` FROM `tovar_price_history` WHERE `tovar_id`=? AND `status`=1", $cart[$i]['tovar_id'] );
$m = $cena * $cart[$i]['kolvo'];
$summ = $summ + $m;
return $summ;
2023-01-07 18:55:55 +05:00
2023-03-11 21:03:29 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Делаем превьюшку
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function imgPreview ( $src, $dst, $w=800, $h=600 ) {
2023-04-09 19:52:26 +05:00
$tmp = self::genpassword(10);
exec ("convert -define jpeg:size=640x480 " . $src . " -thumbnail '800x600>' -background white -gravity center -extent 800x600 " . $dst);
2023-03-11 21:03:29 +05:00
2023-01-07 18:55:55 +05:00
2023-04-09 19:52:26 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Получаем получаем последню цену
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function GetLostPrice ( $tovar_id ) {
return \DB::getValue("SELECT `cena` FROM `tovar_price_history` WHERE `tovar_id`=? AND `status`=1 ORDER BY `t` DESC LIMIT 1", $tovar_id);
2023-01-07 18:55:55 +05:00
2023-07-12 20:02:20 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Поиск текста по строке
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function findtxt ( $txt, $find ) {
$r = (stripos($txt, $find)===false)?0:1;
$pos1 = stripos($txt, $find);
if ($pos1 === false) return 0;
return 1;*/
return $r;
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
2023-07-12 20:02:20 +05:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Уникализирует массив, документация:
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static function array_unique_key($array, $key) {
$tmp = $key_array = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($array as $val) {
if (!in_array($val[$key], $key_array)) {
$key_array[$i] = $val[$key];
$tmp[$i] = $val;
return $tmp;
2022-12-11 13:55:49 +05:00
2023-07-12 20:02:20 +05:00