Helper Scripts for Ace ====================== To use this you need to install node.js. and run `npm install` in this directory. # add_mode.js Run ``` node add_mode.js ModeName "extension1|extension2|^FullName" ``` to create all the files needed for a new mode named `ModeName` this adds stubs for: `ace/mode/mode_name.js` `ace/mode/mode_name_hightlight_rules.js` `ace/snippets/mode_name.js` `ace/demo/kitchen_sink/docs/mode_name.extension1` and adds entry for the new mode to `ace/ext/modelist.js` # tmlanguage.js ``` node tmlanguage.js ./templates/dummy.JSON-tmLanguage ``` # update_deps.js To update `jshint` to new version: 1. Clone last version from 2. Replace all `lodash` with `underscore` in requires in `jshint/src/*.js` 3. Add `_.slice = require("lodash.slice");` to `src/scope-manager.js` after `var _ = ...` 4. Add `_.clone = require("lodash.clone");` to `src/jshint.js` after `var _ = ...` 5. Add ``` "underscore": latest "lodash.clone": "^4.5.0", "lodash.slice": "^4.2.0" ``` to `package.json`, remove `lodash` and run `npm i` 6. Change in `ace/tool/update_deps.js` jshint path `deps.jshint.browserify.path` with your path to changed jshint 7. Run `node update_deps.js jshint`