import postcss from 'postcss' import plugin from '../src/lib/evaluateTailwindFunctions' function run(input, opts = {}) { return postcss([plugin(opts)]).process(input, { from: undefined }) } test('it looks up values in the theme using dot notation', () => { const input = ` .banana { color: theme('colors.yellow'); } ` const output = ` .banana { color: #f7cc50; } ` return run(input, { theme: { colors: { yellow: '#f7cc50', }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toEqual(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('quotes are optional around the lookup path', () => { const input = ` .banana { color: theme(colors.yellow); } ` const output = ` .banana { color: #f7cc50; } ` return run(input, { theme: { colors: { yellow: '#f7cc50', }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toEqual(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('a default value can be provided', () => { const input = ` .cookieMonster { color: theme('', #0000ff); } ` const output = ` .cookieMonster { color: #0000ff; } ` return run(input, { theme: { colors: { yellow: '#f7cc50', }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toEqual(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('quotes are preserved around default values', () => { const input = ` .heading { font-family: theme('fontFamily.sans', "Helvetica Neue"); } ` const output = ` .heading { font-family: "Helvetica Neue"; } ` return run(input, { theme: { fontFamily: { serif: 'Constantia', }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toEqual(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('an unquoted list is valid as a default value', () => { const input = ` .heading { font-family: theme('fontFamily.sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif); } ` const output = ` .heading { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } ` return run(input, { theme: { fontFamily: { serif: 'Constantia', }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toEqual(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('a missing root theme value throws', () => { const input = ` .heading { color: theme('colours.gray.100'); } ` return expect( run(input, { theme: { colors: { yellow: '#f7cc50', }, }, }) ).rejects.toThrowError( `'colours.gray.100' does not exist in your theme config. Your theme has the following top-level keys: 'colors'` ) }) test('a missing nested theme property throws', () => { const input = ` .heading { color: theme(''); } ` return expect( run(input, { theme: { colors: { blue: 'blue', yellow: '#f7cc50', }, }, }) ).rejects.toThrowError( `'' does not exist in your theme config. 'colors' has the following valid keys: 'blue', 'yellow'` ) }) test('a missing nested theme property with a close alternative throws with a suggestion', () => { const input = ` .heading { color: theme('colors.yellw'); } ` return expect( run(input, { theme: { colors: { yellow: '#f7cc50', }, }, }) ).rejects.toThrowError( `'colors.yellw' does not exist in your theme config. Did you mean 'colors.yellow'?` ) }) test('a path through a non-object throws', () => { const input = ` .heading { color: theme('colors.yellow.100'); } ` return expect( run(input, { theme: { colors: { yellow: '#f7cc50', }, }, }) ).rejects.toThrowError( `'colors.yellow.100' does not exist in your theme config. 'colors.yellow' is not an object.` ) }) test('a path which exists but is not a string throws', () => { const input = ` .heading { color: theme('colors.yellow'); } ` return expect( run(input, { theme: { colors: { yellow: Symbol(), }, }, }) ).rejects.toThrowError(`'colors.yellow' was found but does not resolve to a string.`) }) test('a path which exists but is invalid throws', () => { const input = ` .heading { color: theme('colors'); } ` return expect( run(input, { theme: { colors: {}, }, }) ).rejects.toThrowError(`'colors' was found but does not resolve to a string.`) }) test('a path which is an object throws with a suggested key', () => { const input = ` .heading { color: theme('colors'); } ` return expect( run(input, { theme: { colors: { yellow: '#f7cc50', }, }, }) ).rejects.toThrowError( `'colors' was found but does not resolve to a string. Did you mean something like 'colors.yellow'?` ) }) test('array values are joined by default', () => { const input = ` .heading { font-family: theme('fontFamily.sans'); } ` const output = ` .heading { font-family: Inter, Helvetica, sans-serif; } ` return run(input, { theme: { fontFamily: { sans: ['Inter', 'Helvetica', 'sans-serif'], }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toEqual(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('font sizes are retrieved without default line-heights or letter-spacing', () => { const input = ` .heading-1 { font-size: theme('fontSize.lg'); } .heading-2 { font-size: theme('fontSize.xl'); } ` const output = ` .heading-1 { font-size: 20px; } .heading-2 { font-size: 24px; } ` return run(input, { theme: { fontSize: { lg: ['20px', '28px'], xl: ['24px', { lineHeight: '32px', letterSpacing: '-0.01em' }], }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toMatchCss(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('outlines are retrieved without default outline-offset', () => { const input = ` .element { outline: theme(''); } ` const output = ` .element { outline: 2px dotted black; } ` return run(input, { theme: { outline: { black: ['2px dotted black', '4px'], }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toMatchCss(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('font-family values are joined when an array', () => { const input = ` .element { font-family: theme('fontFamily.sans'); } ` const output = ` .element { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } ` return run(input, { theme: { fontFamily: { sans: ['Helvetica', 'Arial', 'sans-serif'], }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toMatchCss(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('box-shadow values are joined when an array', () => { const input = ` .element { box-shadow: theme(''); } ` const output = ` .element { box-shadow: 0 0 2px black, 1px 2px 3px white; } ` return run(input, { theme: { boxShadow: { wtf: ['0 0 2px black', '1px 2px 3px white'], }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toMatchCss(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('transition-property values are joined when an array', () => { const input = ` .element { transition-property: theme('transitionProperty.colors'); } ` const output = ` .element { transition-property: color, fill; } ` return run(input, { theme: { transitionProperty: { colors: ['color', 'fill'], }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toMatchCss(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) }) test('transition-duration values are joined when an array', () => { const input = ` .element { transition-duration: theme(''); } ` const output = ` .element { transition-duration: 1s, 2s; } ` return run(input, { theme: { transitionDuration: { lol: ['1s', '2s'], }, }, }).then((result) => { expect(result.css).toMatchCss(output) expect(result.warnings().length).toBe(0) }) })