# 10.0.0
## All packages
- We've given Octicons a new look β¨ Some icons have new names and some icons haven't been redesigned yet. The following table documents those changes. If you're using an octicon in v9.x that doesn't have an equivelent in v10.0 yet, let us know by [opening an issue](https://github.com/primer/octicons/issues/new?assignees=&labels=icon+request&template=icon-request.md&title=%5BIcon+request%5D).
| v9.x | v10.0 | Notes |
| ------------------------ | ------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `arrow-small-down` | `arrow-down` | |
| `arrow-small-left` | `arrow-left` | |
| `arrow-small-right` | `arrow-right` | |
| `arrow-small-up` | `arrow-up` | |
| `browser` | | [Request this icon](https://github.com/primer/octicons/issues/new?assignees=&labels=icon+request&template=icon-request.md&title=%5BIcon+request%5D) |
| `bug` | | [Request this icon](https://github.com/primer/octicons/issues/new?assignees=&labels=icon+request&template=icon-request.md&title=%5BIcon+request%5D) |
| `circuit-board` | `cpu` | |
| `cloud-download` | `download` | |
| `cloud-upload` | `upload` | |
| `dashboard` | `meter` | |
| `dependent` | `package-dependents` | |
| `device-camera` | | [Request this icon](https://github.com/primer/octicons/issues/new?assignees=&labels=icon+request&template=icon-request.md&title=%5BIcon+request%5D) |
| `file-pdf` | `file` | |
| `file-symlink-directory` | `file-submodule` | |
| `gist-secret` | `lock` | |
| `gist` | `code-square` | |
| `github-action` | | [Request this icon](https://github.com/primer/octicons/issues/new?assignees=&labels=icon+request&template=icon-request.md&title=%5BIcon+request%5D) |
| `heart-outline` | `heart` | |
| `internal-repo` | `repo` | |
| `jersey` | `people` | |
| `keyboard` | | [Request this icon](https://github.com/primer/octicons/issues/new?assignees=&labels=icon+request&template=icon-request.md&title=%5BIcon+request%5D) |
| `line-arrow-down` | `arrow-down` | |
| `line-arrow-left` | `arrow-left` | |
| `line-arrow-right` | `arrow-right` | |
| `line-arrow-up` | `arrow-up` | |
| `mail-read` | `mail` | |
| `no-newline` | `no-entry` | |
| `paintcan` | `paintbrush` | |
| `plus-small` | `plus` | |
| `primitive-dot-stroke` | `dot` | |
| `primitive-dot` | `dot-fill` | |
| `primitive-square` | `square-fill` | |
| `radio-tower` | `broadcast` | |
| `repo-clone` | | [Request this icon](https://github.com/primer/octicons/issues/new?assignees=&labels=icon+request&template=icon-request.md&title=%5BIcon+request%5D) |
| `repo-force-push` | `repo-push` | |
| `repo-pull` | | [Request this icon](https://github.com/primer/octicons/issues/new?assignees=&labels=icon+request&template=icon-request.md&title=%5BIcon+request%5D) |
| `repo-template-private` | | [Request this icon](https://github.com/primer/octicons/issues/new?assignees=&labels=icon+request&template=icon-request.md&title=%5BIcon+request%5D) |
| `request-changes` | `diff` | |
| `saved` | `bookmark` | |
| `text-size` | `heading` or `typography` | |
| `triangle-down` | `caret-down` | |
| `triangle-left` | `caret-left` | |
| `triangle-right` | `caret-right` | |
| `triangle-up` | `caret-up` | |
| `unsaved` | `bookmark-slash` | |
| `watch` | `hourglass` | |
| `workflow-all` | | [Request this icon](https://github.com/primer/octicons/issues/new?assignees=&labels=icon+request&template=icon-request.md&title=%5BIcon+request%5D) |
- We designed a set of 24px iconsβas well as 16px iconsβto accommodate interfaces that need larger icons. All package implementations now choose which SVG to render based on the size passed in.
## React (@primer/octicons-react)
- Icon components (e.g. `AlertIcon`, `ArrowRightIcon`, etc.) now accept `size`, `ariaLabel`, `verticalAlign`, and `className` props and can be used on their own. No need to pass them to the `Octicon` component.
- Icon components will now choose the best SVG icon to render based on the `size` passed in.
- The `Octicon` component is deprecated. Use icon components on their own instead:
- All icon component names now include `Icon` at the end (e.g. `Alert` β `AlertIcon`).
- In order to enable tree-shaking, we removed the `iconsByName` and `getIconByName` exports.
- `Octicon` no longer accepts `width` or `height` props. Use the `size` prop instead. In cases where the width and height of an icon are not equal (e.g. logos), the height will be set to the value of the `size` prop and the `width` will be scaled proportionally.
- We renamed the `ariaLabel` prop to `aria-label` to be consistent with React: https://reactjs.org/docs/accessibility.html#wai-aria
- Setting `verticalAlign="top"` on the `Octicon` component or any icon component will now apply a `vertical-align: top;` style to the `