$(function() { /* Creative example - Customized layout ==================================== */ $('[data-fancybox="cl-group"]').fancybox({ baseClass: "fancybox-custom-layout", infobar: false, touch: { vertical: false }, buttons: ["close", "thumbs", "share"], animationEffect: "fade", transitionEffect: "fade", preventCaptionOverlap: false, idleTime: false, gutter: 0, // Customize caption area caption: function(instance) { return '


interiors, exteriors, and the humans that inhabit them.


'; } }); /* Creative example - Product quick view ===================================== */ $(".quick_view").fancybox({ baseClass: "quick-view-container", infobar: false, buttons: false, thumbs: false, margin: 0, touch: { vertical: false }, animationEffect: false, transitionEffect: "slide", transitionDuration: 500, baseTpl: '", onInit: function(instance) { /* #1 Create bullet navigation links ================================= */ var bullets = '"; $(bullets) .on("click touchstart", "a", function() { var index = $(this).data("index"); $.fancybox.getInstance(function() { this.jumpTo(index); }); }) .appendTo(instance.$refs.container.find(".quick-view-carousel")); /* #2 Add product form =================== */ var $element = instance.group[instance.currIndex].opts.$orig; var form_id = $element.data("qw-form"); instance.$refs.container.find(".quick-view-aside").append( // In this example, this element contains the form $("#" + form_id) .clone(true) .removeClass("hidden") ); }, beforeShow: function(instance) { /* Mark current bullet navigation link as active */ instance.$refs.container .find(".quick-view-bullets") .children() .removeClass("active") .eq(instance.currIndex) .addClass("active"); } }); /* Creative example - Confirm dialog See demo on CodePen: https://codepen.io/fancyapps/full/Ebmqgv/ =========================================================== */ // Step 1: Create reusable jQuery plugin // ===================================== $.fancyConfirm = function(opts) { opts = $.extend( true, { title: "Are you sure?", message: "", okButton: "OK", noButton: "Cancel", callback: $.noop }, opts || {} ); $.fancybox.open({ type: "html", src: '
' + '

' + opts.title + "

" + "

" + opts.message + "

" + '

' + '' + opts.noButton + "" + '" + "

" + "
", opts: { animationDuration: 350, animationEffect: "material", modal: true, baseTpl: '", afterClose: function(instance, current, e) { var button = e ? e.target || e.currentTarget : null; var value = button ? $(button).data("value") : 0; opts.callback(value); } } }); }; // Step 2: Start using it! // ======================= $("#test_confirm").click(function() { // Open customized confirmation dialog window $.fancyConfirm({ title: "Use Google's location service?", message: "Let Google help apps determine location. This means sending anonymous location data to Google, even when no apps are running", okButton: "Agree", noButton: "Disagree", callback: function(value) { if (value) { $("#test_confirm_rez").html("Let's do this!"); } else { $("#test_confirm_rez").html("Maybe later."); } } }); }); /* Creative example - Morphing modal window See demo on CodePen: https://codepen.io/fancyapps/full/xPdvdp/ ============================================================== */ // Step 1: Create jQuery plugin // ============================ $.fn.fancyMorph = function(opts) { var Morphing = function($btn, opts) { var self = this; self.opts = $.extend( { animationEffect: false, infobar: false, buttons: ["close"], smallBtn: false, touch: false, baseClass: "fancybox-morphing", afterClose: function() { self.close(); } }, opts ); self.init($btn); }; Morphing.prototype.init = function($btn) { var self = this; self.$btn = $btn.addClass("morphing-btn"); self.$clone = $('
') .hide() .insertAfter($btn); // Add wrapping element and set initial width used for positioning $btn.wrap('').on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.start(); }); }; Morphing.prototype.start = function() { var self = this; if (self.$btn.hasClass("morphing-btn_circle")) { return; } // Set initial width, because it is not possible to start CSS transition from "auto" self.$btn .width(self.$btn.width()) .parent() .width(self.$btn.outerWidth()); self.$btn .off(".fm") .on("transitionend.fm webkitTransitionEnd.fm oTransitionEnd.fm MSTransitionEnd.fm", function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.propertyName === "width") { self.$btn.off(".fm"); self.animateBg(); } }) .addClass("morphing-btn_circle"); }; Morphing.prototype.animateBg = function() { var self = this; self.scaleBg(); self.$clone.show(); // Trigger repaint self.$clone[0].offsetHeight; self.$clone .off(".fm") .on("transitionend.fm webkitTransitionEnd.fm oTransitionEnd.fm MSTransitionEnd.fm", function(e) { self.$clone.off(".fm"); self.complete(); }) .addClass("morphing-btn-clone_visible"); }; Morphing.prototype.scaleBg = function() { var self = this; var $clone = self.$clone; var scale = self.getScale(); var $btn = self.$btn; var pos = $btn.offset(); $clone.css({ top: pos.top + $btn.outerHeight() * 0.5 - $btn.outerHeight() * scale * 0.5 - $(window).scrollTop(), left: pos.left + $btn.outerWidth() * 0.5 - $btn.outerWidth() * scale * 0.5 - $(window).scrollLeft(), width: $btn.outerWidth() * scale, height: $btn.outerHeight() * scale, transform: "scale(" + 1 / scale + ")" }); }; Morphing.prototype.getScale = function() { var $btn = this.$btn, radius = $btn.outerWidth() * 0.5, left = $btn.offset().left + radius - $(window).scrollLeft(), top = $btn.offset().top + radius - $(window).scrollTop(), windowW = $(window).width(), windowH = $(window).height(); var maxDistHor = left > windowW / 2 ? left : windowW - left, maxDistVert = top > windowH / 2 ? top : windowH - top; return Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(maxDistHor, 2) + Math.pow(maxDistVert, 2)) / radius); }; Morphing.prototype.complete = function() { var self = this; var $btn = self.$btn; $.fancybox.open({src: $btn.data("src") || $btn.attr("href")}, self.opts); }; Morphing.prototype.close = function() { var self = this; var $clone = self.$clone; self.scaleBg(); $clone.one("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd", function(e) { $clone.hide(); self.$btn.removeClass("morphing-btn_circle"); }); $clone.removeClass("morphing-btn-clone_visible"); $(window).off("resize.fm"); }; // Init this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if (!$this.data("morphing")) { $this.data("morphing", new Morphing($this, opts)); } }); return this; }; // Step 2: Start using it! // ======================= $("[data-morphing]").fancyMorph({ hash: "morphing" }); });