/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Magentech jQuery Created by Magentech v1.0 - 20.9.2016 All rights reserved. +----------------------------------------------------+ TABLE OF CONTENTS +----------------------------------------------------+ [1] Language and Currency Dropdowns [2] Header Top link [3] Resonsive Header Top [4] Accordion to Bonus page [5] Magnific Popup [6] Quick View [7] Quantity minus and plus [8] Owl carousel - Slider [9] Listing Tabs - Slider [10] Other Query [11] Page Quickview [12] Page About Us [13] Page Category [14] Page Detail / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ "use strict" $(document).ready(function(){ /* --------------------------------------------------- Language and Currency Dropdowns -------------------------------------------------- */ var $screensize = $(window).width(); if ($screensize > 991) { $('#currency, #bt-language, #my_account').hover(function() { $(this).find('ul').stop(true, true).slideDown('fast'); },function() { $(this).find('ul').stop(true, true).css('display', 'none'); }); } // Hide tooltip when clicking on it var hasTooltip = $("[data-toggle='tooltip']").tooltip(); hasTooltip.on('click', function () { $(this).tooltip('hide') }); /* --------------------------------------------------- Header Top link -------------------------------------------------- */ $(".header-top-right .top-link > li").mouseenter(function(){ $(".header-top-right .top-link > li.account").addClass('inactive'); }); $(".header-top-right .top-link > li").mouseleave(function(){ $(".header-top-right .top-link > li.account").removeClass('inactive'); }); $(".header-top-right .top-link > li.account").mouseenter(function(){ $(".header-top-right .top-link > li.account").removeClass('inactive'); }); /* --------------------------------------------------- Resonsive Header Top -------------------------------------------------- */ $(".collapsed-block .expander").click(function (e) { var collapse_content_selector = $(this).attr("href"); var expander = $(this); if (!$(collapse_content_selector).hasClass("open")) { expander.addClass("open").html("") ; } else expander.removeClass("open").html(""); if (!$(collapse_content_selector).hasClass("open")) $(collapse_content_selector).addClass("open").slideDown("normal"); else $(collapse_content_selector).removeClass("open").slideUp("normal"); e.preventDefault() }) /* --------------------------------------------------- Accordion to Bonus page -------------------------------------------------- */ $("ul.yt-accordion li").each(function() { if($(this).index() > 0) { $(this).children(".accordion-inner").css('display', 'none'); } else { $(this).find(".accordion-heading").addClass('active'); } var ua = navigator.userAgent, event = (ua.match(/iPad/i)) ? 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