/******************************************* * Theme Name: Market * Author: Magentech * Author URI: http://www.magentech.com * Version: 1.0.0 * Description: This is html5 Sass template *******************************************/ // Override default value for $dir in directional.scss $dir: ltr; //** simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass ** //-- url : http://bourbon.io/docs --- @import 'bourbon/bourbon'; //** Mixins for Rem Font Sizing ** //-- url : http://hugogiraudel.com/2013/03/18/ultimate-rem-mixin/ @import 'directional/rem'; //** Variables for responsive design in bootstrap with sass ** //-- url : https://gist.github.com/webinfinita/11407836 @import 'directional/bootstrap_breakpoints'; //** Makes supporting both left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) easy.** //-- url : https://github.com/tysonmatanich/directional-scss @import 'directional/directional'; //Mixins Utilities & Variables @import 'variables/utilities'; @import "variables/theme_variables"; @import "variables/blue"; /************************************************************** BLOCK HEADER **************************************************************/ .header-top{ font-size: 12px; $color-border: #ccc; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; background: #f1f1f1; .header-top-left { padding: 0; float: $left; .dropdown-toggle{ padding: 0 20px; height: 40px; line-height: 40px!important; } ul{ border: none; background: #f8f8f8; li{ a{ padding-top: 5px; } &:hover{ color: #fff; } } } .currencies-block { border: none; @include border-top; } .languages-block{ border: none; } .form-group{ a{ line-height: 16px; border: none; } } } .header-top-right { float: $right; #TabBlock-1{ float: $right; margin: 0; li{ padding: 0 17px; @include border-top; &:last-child{ border-#{$right}: none; padding-#{$right}: 0; &:after{ background: none; } } a{ color: #828282; } } .top-link{ margin: 0; } } } } .header-center{ font-size: 14px; padding: 31px 0 33px 0; .navbar-logo{ padding-top: 13px; float: $left; } #sosearchpro{ padding: 7px 15px; float: $left; input{ border-radius: 150px; box-shadow: none; position: relative; height: 46px; padding-#{$left}: 30px; font-size: 14px; width: 100%; } button{ position: absolute; height: 100%; #{$right}: 10px; top: 0; border-radius: 100px; background: none; color: #444444; border: none; } } .shopping_cart{ padding-#{$left}:18px; float: $right!important; .header-text{ float: $left; line-height: 58px; padding-top: 3px; p{ margin: 0; } } .btn-shopping-cart{ float: $right; padding-#{$right}: 15px; .handle{ position: relative; background: url(../img/theme/color/blue/cart.png) no-repeat ; width: 31px; height: 40px; margin: 5px 10px; } .number-shopping-cart{ position: absolute; height: 22px; width: 22px; line-height: 22px; background: #ff5555; color: #fff; border-radius: 100px; text-align: center; bottom: -18px; #{$left}: 0; } .shoppingcart-box{ #{$right}: 10px; margin-top: 10px; width: 330px; } } } } .header-bottom{ padding: 10px 0 ; .header-bottom-right{ padding: 0; float: $left; .megamenu-wrapper{ .megamenu { li { margin-#{$right}: 20px; .menu1{ padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 5px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700; transition: none; strong{ font-weight: 700; } &:hover{ background: #fff; } } .sub-menu{ a{ color: #828282; } .title-submenu{ color: $colorTitle; } } } li.home .menu1{ background: #fff; } .main-menu{ text-transform: none; } .active{ a{ background: #fff; } } } .container{ padding-#{$left}: 15px; } } } .price-old{ text-decoration: line-through; } } //RESPONSIVE //992px-1199px @media (max-width: 1199px){ .header-center .header-text{ display: none; } .header-center .shopping_cart .btn-shopping-cart .shoppingcart-box{ #{$left}: -211px; } } //768px-991px @media (max-width: 991px){ .header-center { padding: 7px 0 16px 0; .header-text{ display: none; } .autosearch-input { width: 73%; } #sosearchpro{ padding-#{$left}: 15px; } .shoppingcart-box{ #{$left}: -215px; } } .header-center .navbar-logo{ text-align: center; padding-bottom: 20px; } .header-bottom{ padding: 0; } .so-megamenu .navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar{ background: #fff; } .navbar-header .navbar-toggle{ border: none; } } //<768px @media (max-width: 767px){ .header-top .header-top-right #TabBlock-1 li{ padding-#{$right}: 0; &:after{ height: 0; } } .header-center{ padding-top: 30px; position: relative; .header-text{ display: none; } .shopping_cart{ position: absolute; #{$right}: 0; } } .sidebar-menu{ display: none; } .shopping_cart a.top_cart .shopcart { .title, .text-shopping-cart{ display: none; } } .header-center .navbar-logo{ text-align: center; padding-bottom: 35px; } .header-center .shopping_cart .btn-shopping-cart { .number-shopping-cart { bottom: -53px; } .shoppingcart-box{ #{$left}: -285px; } } .header-bottom{ padding: 0 10px; } .header-center .shopping_cart .btn-shopping-cart .shoppingcart-box{ width: 250px; #{$right}: 10px; #{$left}: auto; } .table>tbody>tr>td{ padding: 3px; } }