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Refer to Animate.css for a list of available animations. animation: "flipInX", // An array of phrases to rotate are created based on this separator. Change it if you wish to separate the phrases differently (e.g. So Simple | Very Doge | Much Wow | Such Cool). separator: ",", // The delay between the changing of each phrase in milliseconds. speed: 3000, complete: function () { // Called after the entrance animation is executed. } }); /*============================================================== equal Hieght ==============================================================*/ var $window = $(window); var windowsize = $(window).width(); checheight(); $window.on("resize", function () { checheight(); }); function checheight() { var $smae_height = $(".equalheight"); if ($smae_height.length) { if (windowsize > 767) { $smae_height.matchHeight({ property: "height", }); } } } /* ===================================== Side Nav Absolute ====================================== */ if ($("body").hasClass("side-nav")) { var $menuLeft = $(".pushmenu-left"); var $menuRight = $(".pushmenu-right"); var $toggleleft = $(".menu_bars.left"); var $toggleright = $(".menu_bars.right"); 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