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{counter} is used to print out a count. {counter} will remember the count on each iteration. You can adjust the number, the interval and the direction of the count, as well as determine whether to print the value. You can run multiple counters concurrently by supplying a unique name for each one. If you do not supply a name, the name "default" will be used.


Attribute Name Required Description
name No The name of the counter
start No The initial number to start counting from (defaults to 1)
skip No The interval to count by (defaults to 1)
direction No The direction to count (up/down) (defaults to 'up')
print No Whether or not to print the value (defaults to true)
assign No the template variable the output will be assigned to

If you supply the assign attribute, the output of the {counter} function will be assigned to this template variable instead of being output to the template.


{* initialize the count *}
{counter start=0 skip=2}<br />
{counter}<br />
{counter}<br />
{counter}<br />

this will output:

0<br />
2<br />
4<br />
6<br />