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Naming Conventions

Plugin files and functions must follow a very specific naming convention in order to be located by Smarty.

plugin files must be named as follows:

  • Where type is one of these plugin types:

    • function

    • modifier

    • block

    • compiler

    • prefilter

    • postfilter

    • outputfilter

    • resource

    • insert

  • And name should be a valid identifier; letters, numbers, and underscores only, see php variables.

  • Some examples: function.html_select_date.php, resource.db.php, modifier.spacify.php.

plugin functions inside the PHP files must be named as follows:


  • The meanings of type and name are the same as above.

  • An example modifier name foo would be function smarty_modifier_foo().

Smarty will output appropriate error messages if the plugin file it needs is not found, or if the file or the plugin function are named improperly.