331 lines
13 KiB
331 lines
13 KiB
// $Id: traditional_chinese.php 195 2011-05-30 23:13:22Z sloarch $
// Traditional Chinese Language Module for v2.3 (translated by www.which.tw)
// Additional translation by sloarch, mic, Paulino Michelazzo
global $_VERSION;
$GLOBALS["charset"] = "UTF-8";
$GLOBALS["text_dir"] = "ltr"; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$GLOBALS["date_fmt"] = "Y/m/d H:i";
$GLOBALS["error_msg"] = array(
// error
"error" => "錯誤",
"message" => "訊息",
"back" => "回上頁",
// root
"home" => "主目錄並不存在, 請檢查設定.",
"abovehome" => "目前的目錄可能沒有在主目錄上.",
"targetabovehome" => "目標的目錄可能沒有在主目錄上.",
// exist
"direxist" => "此目錄不存在.",
//"filedoesexist" => "此目錄已存在.",
"fileexist" => "此檔案不存在.",
"itemdoesexist" => "此項目已存在.",
"itemexist" => "此項目不存在.",
"targetexist" => "此目標目錄不存在.",
"targetdoesexist" => "此目標項目已存在.",
// open
"opendir" => "無法打開目錄.",
"readdir" => "無法讀取目錄.",
// access
"accessdir" => "不允許您存取這個目錄.",
"accessfile" => "不允許您存取這個檔案.",
"accessitem" => "不允許您存取這個項目.",
"accessfunc" => "不允許您使用這個功能.",
"accesstarget" => "不允許您存取這個目標目錄.",
// actions
"permread" => "取得權限失敗.",
"permchange" => "權限更改失敗 (這通常是因為檔案所有權的問題 - 例如. 如果HTTP使用者('wwwrun' 或 'nobody')跟FTP使用者不一致時)",
"openfile" => "打開檔案失敗.",
"savefile" => "檔案儲存失敗.",
"createfile" => "新增檔案失敗.",
"createdir" => "新增目錄失敗.",
"uploadfile" => "檔案上傳失敗.",
"copyitem" => "複製失敗.",
"moveitem" => "移動失敗.",
"delitem" => "刪除失敗.",
"chpass" => "更改密碼失敗.",
"deluser" => "移除使用者失敗.",
"adduser" => "加入使用者失敗.",
"saveuser" => "儲存使用者失敗.",
"searchnothing" => "您必須輸入些什麼來搜尋.",
// misc
"miscnofunc" => "功能無效.",
"miscfilesize" => "檔案大小已達最大.",
"miscfilepart" => "檔案只有部分上傳.",
"miscnoname" => "您必須輸入名稱.",
"miscselitems" => "您還未選擇任何項目.",
"miscdelitems" => "您確定要刪除這些 {0} 項目?",
"miscdeluser" => "您確定要刪除使用者 '{0}'?",
"miscnopassdiff" => "新密碼跟舊密碼相同.",
"miscnopassmatch" => "密碼不符.",
"miscfieldmissed" => "您遺漏一個重要欄位.",
"miscnouserpass" => "使用者名稱或密碼錯誤.",
"miscselfremove" => "您無法移除您自己.",
"miscuserexist" => "使用者已存在.",
"miscnofinduser" => "無法找到使用者.",
"extract_noarchive" => "此檔案不是一個可以解壓縮的檔案.",
"extract_unknowntype" => "未知的壓縮類型",
'chmod_none_not_allowed' => '更改權限至 <none> 是不允許的',
'archive_dir_notexists' => '您指定要儲存的目錄不存在.',
'archive_dir_unwritable' => '請指定一個可寫入的目錄來儲存壓縮檔.',
'archive_creation_failed' => '儲存壓縮檔失敗'
$GLOBALS["messages"] = array(
// links
"permlink" => "更改權限",
"editlink" => "編輯",
"downlink" => "下載",
"uplink" => "上一層",
"homelink" => "主頁",
"reloadlink" => "重新載入",
"copylink" => "複製",
"movelink" => "移動",
"dellink" => "刪除",
"comprlink" => "壓縮",
"adminlink" => "管理員",
"logoutlink" => "登出",
"uploadlink" => "上傳",
"searchlink" => "搜尋",
'difflink' => 'Diff',
"extractlink" => "解開壓縮檔",
'chmodlink' => '更改 (chmod) 權限 (資料夾/檔案)', // new mic
'mossysinfolink' => 'eXtplorer 系統資訊 (eXtplorer, Server, PHP, mySQL)', // new mic
'logolink' => '前往 eXtplorer 網站 (另開視窗)', // new mic
// list
"nameheader" => "名稱",
"sizeheader" => "大小",
"typeheader" => "類型",
"modifheader" => "最後更新",
"permheader" => "權限",
"actionheader" => "動作",
"pathheader" => "路徑",
// buttons
"btncancel" => "取消",
"btnsave" => "儲存",
"btnchange" => "更改",
"btnreset" => "重設",
"btnclose" => "關閉",
"btnreopen" => "重開",
"btncreate" => "新增",
"btnsearch" => "搜尋",
"btnupload" => "上傳",
"btncopy" => "複製",
"btnmove" => "移動",
"btnlogin" => "登入",
"btnlogout" => "登出",
"btnadd" => "新增",
"btnedit" => "編輯",
"btnremove" => "移除",
"btndiff" => "Diff",
// user messages, new in eXtplorer 1.3.0
"renamelink" => "重新命名",
"confirm_delete_file" => "您確定要刪除這個檔案? \\n%s",
"success_delete_file" => "物件成功刪除.",
"success_rename_file" => "此目錄/檔案 %s 已成功重新命名為 %s.",
// actions
"actdir" => "目錄",
"actperms" => "更改權限",
"actedit" => "編輯檔案",
"actsearchresults" => "搜尋結果",
"actcopyitems" => "複製項目",
"actcopyfrom" => "從 /%s 複製到 /%s ",
"actmoveitems" => "移動項目",
"actmovefrom" => "從 /%s 移動到 /%s ",
"actlogin" => "登入",
"actloginheader" => "登入以使用 QuiXplorer",
"actadmin" => "管理選單",
"actchpwd" => "更改密碼",
"actusers" => "使用者",
"actarchive" => "壓縮項目",
"actupload" => "上傳檔案",
// misc
"miscitems" => "項目",
"miscfree" => "Free",
"miscusername" => "使用者名稱",
"miscpassword" => "密碼",
"miscoldpass" => "舊密碼",
"miscnewpass" => "新密碼",
"miscconfpass" => "確認密碼",
"miscconfnewpass" => "確認新密碼",
"miscchpass" => "更改密碼",
"mischomedir" => "主頁目錄",
"mischomeurl" => "主頁 URL",
"miscshowhidden" => "顯示隱藏項目",
"mischidepattern" => "隱藏樣式",
"miscperms" => "權限",
"miscuseritems" => "(名稱, 主頁目錄, 顯示隱藏項目, 權限, 啟用)",
"miscadduser" => "增加使用者",
"miscedituser" => "編輯使用者 '%s'",
"miscactive" => "啟用",
"misclang" => "語言",
"miscnoresult" => "無結果可用.",
"miscsubdirs" => "搜尋子目錄",
"miscpermnames" => array("只能瀏覽","修改","更改密碼","修改及更改密碼","管理員"),
"miscyesno" => array("是","否","Y","N"),
"miscchmod" => array("擁有者", "群組", "公開"),
'misccontent' => "檔案內容",
// from here all new by mic
'miscowner' => '擁有者',
'miscownerdesc' => '<strong>描述:</strong><br />使用者 (UID) /<br />群組 (GID)<br />目前權限:<br /><strong> %s ( %s ) </strong>/<br /><strong> %s ( %s )</strong>',
// sysinfo (new by mic)
'simamsysinfo' => "eXtplorer 系統資訊",
'sisysteminfo' => '系統資訊',
'sibuilton' => '運行系統',
'sidbversion' => '資料庫版本 (MySQL)',
'siphpversion' => 'PHP 版本',
'siphpupdate' => '資訊: <span style="color: red;">您所使用的 PHP 版本還是 <strong>太低</strong>!</span><br />為了保證Mambo跟外掛所有的功能,<br />您至少需使用 <strong>PHP.版本 4.3</strong>!',
'siwebserver' => '網頁伺服器',
'siwebsphpif' => '網頁伺服器 - PHP 介面',
'simamboversion' => 'eXtplorer 版本',
'siuseragent' => '瀏覽器版本',
'sirelevantsettings' => '重要的 PHP 設定',
'sisafemode' => '安全模式',
'sibasedir' => '打開主目錄',
'sidisplayerrors' => 'PHP 錯誤',
'sishortopentags' => 'Short Open Tags',
'sifileuploads' => '檔案上傳',
'simagicquotes' => 'Magic Quotes',
'siregglobals' => 'Register Globals',
'sioutputbuf' => 'Output Buffer',
'sisesssavepath' => 'Session Savepath',
'sisessautostart' => 'Session auto start',
'sixmlenabled' => 'XML 已啟動',
'sizlibenabled' => 'ZLIB 已啟動',
'sidisabledfuncs' => '停用的功能',
'sieditor' => 'WYSIWYG 編輯器',
'siconfigfile' => 'Config file',
'siphpinfo' => 'PHP Info',
'siphpinformation' => 'PHP 資訊',
'sipermissions' => '權限',
'sidirperms' => '目錄權限',
'sidirpermsmess' => '為了確保 eXtplorer 所有函數以及功能運作正常, 以下的資料夾權限必須為可寫入 [chmod 0777]',
'sionoff' => array( '打開', '關閉' ),
'extract_warning' => "您確定要在此處解壓縮檔案?\\n如果不小心使用這將會覆蓋已經存在的檔案!",
'extract_success' => "解壓縮成功",
'extract_failure' => "解壓縮失敗",
'overwrite_files' => '複蓋已存在的檔案?',
"viewlink" => "檢視",
"actview" => "顯示檔案來源",
// added by Paulino Michelazzo (paulino@michelazzo.com.br) to fun_chmod.php file
'recurse_subdirs' => '遞迴至子目錄?',
// added by Paulino Michelazzo (paulino@michelazzo.com.br) to footer.php file
'check_version' => '檢查最新版本',
// added by Paulino Michelazzo (paulino@michelazzo.com.br) to fun_rename.php file
'rename_file' => '重新命名一個目錄或檔案...',
'newname' => '新名稱',
// added by Paulino Michelazzo (paulino@michelazzo.com.br) to fun_edit.php file
'returndir' => '儲存之後回到目錄?',
'line' => '行',
'column' => '列',
'wordwrap' => '換行: (只限IE)',
'copyfile' => '複製檔案為此檔案名',
// Bookmarks
'quick_jump' => '快速跳轉至',
'already_bookmarked' => '此目錄已加入書籤',
'bookmark_was_added' => '此目錄已加入至書籤清單.',
'not_a_bookmark' => '此目錄不是書籤.',
'bookmark_was_removed' => '此目錄已從書籤清單移除.',
'bookmarkfile_not_writable' => " %s 書籤失敗.\n 書籤檔案 '%s' \n無法寫入.",
'lbl_add_bookmark' => '新增此目錄為書籤',
'lbl_remove_bookmark' => '從書籤清單移除此目錄',
'enter_alias_name' => '請輸入此書籤的別名',
'normal_compression' => '正常壓縮',
'good_compression' => '好的壓縮',
'best_compression' => '最佳壓縮',
'no_compression' => '無壓縮',
'creating_archive' => '建立壓縮檔...',
'processed_x_files' => '已處理 %s 的全部 %s 檔案',
'ftp_header' => '本地 FTP 驗證',
'ftp_login_lbl' => '請輸入FTP伺服器的登入憑證',
'ftp_login_name' => 'FTP 使用者名稱',
'ftp_login_pass' => 'FTP 密碼',
'ftp_hostname_port' => 'FTP伺服器主電腦名稱及連接埠 <br />(連接埠是可選的)',
'ftp_login_check' => 'FTP 連線檢查中...',
'ftp_connection_failed' => "無法連線至 FTP伺服器. \n請檢查您的FTP伺服器是否在您的伺服器運作中.",
'ftp_login_failed' => "FTP 登入失敗. 請檢查使用者名稱跟密碼並再試一次.",
'switch_file_mode' => '目前模式: <strong>%s</strong>. 您可以切換至 %s 模式.',
'symlink_target' => '符號連結目標',
"permchange" => "CHMOD 成功:",
"savefile" => "檔案已儲存.",
"moveitem" => "移動已成功.",
"copyitem" => "複製已成功.",
'archive_name' => '壓縮檔案名稱',
'archive_saveToDir' => '在此目錄儲存壓縮檔案',
'editor_simple' => '簡易編輯器模式',
'editor_syntaxhighlight' => '語法-標明顯示 模式',
'newlink' => '新 檔案/目錄',
'show_directories' => '顯示目錄',
'actlogin_success' => '登入成功!',
'actlogin_failure' => '登入失敗, 再試一次.',
'directory_tree' => '目錄樹',
'browsing_directory' => '瀏覽目錄',
'filter_grid' => '篩選條件',
'paging_page' => '頁',
'paging_of_X' => '的 {0}',
'paging_firstpage' => '最前頁',
'paging_lastpage' => '最後頁',
'paging_nextpage' => '下一頁',
'paging_prevpage' => '上一頁',
'paging_info' => '顯示項目 {0} - {1} 的 {2}',
'paging_noitems' => '沒有項目可以顯示',
'aboutlink' => '關於...',
'password_warning_title' => '重要 - 更換您的密碼!',
'password_warning_text' => '您所登入的帳號 (管理員跟密碼) 為預設的eXtplorer管理帳號. 您的eXtplorer安裝容易被侵入您需要馬上修復此安全漏洞!',
'change_password_success' => '您的密碼已更換!',
'success' => '成功',
'failure' => '失敗',
'dialog_title' => '網站對話方塊',
'upload_processing' => '上傳進行中, 請稍候...',
'upload_completed' => '上傳成功!',
'acttransfer' => '從另一個伺服器轉移',
'transfer_processing' => '伺服器-至-伺服器轉移進行中, 請稍候...',
'transfer_completed' => '轉移完成!',
'max_file_size' => '最大檔案大小',
'max_post_size' => '最大上傳限制',
'done' => '完成.',
'permissions_processing' => '權限套用中, 請稍候...',
'archive_created' => '壓縮檔已建立!',
'save_processing' => '儲存檔案中...',
'current_user' => '腳本目前以以下使用者的權限運行:',
'your_version' => '您的版本',
'search_processing' => '搜尋中, 請稍候...',
'url_to_file' => '檔案的網址',
'file' => '檔案'