describe('easytabs', function() { describe('normal tabs', function() { var fixture; beforeEach(function () { loadFixtures('tabs.html'); fixture = $('#tab-container'); fixture.easytabs(); }); afterEach(function () { $("#tab-container").remove(); }); it('is easytabs container', function () { expect(fixture).toBeEasyTabs(); }); it('has tabs', function() { expect(fixture).toHaveTabs('[href="#tabs1-html"]'); expect(fixture).toHaveTabs('[href="#tabs1-html"]'); expect(fixture).toHaveTabs('[href="#tabs1-js"]'); expect(fixture).toHaveTabs('[href="#tabs1-css"]'); }); it('has panels', function() { expect(fixture).toHavePanels('#tabs1-html'); expect(fixture).toHavePanels('#tabs1-js'); expect(fixture).toHavePanels('#tabs1-css'); }); it('makes first tab active by default', function() { expect( $('[href="#tabs1-html"]').first() ).toHaveClass('active'); }); it('makes all but default panel hidden', function() { var panel = $('#tabs1-html'); expect(panel).toHaveClass('active'); expect(panel).toBe(':visible'); }); it('hides all but active panel', function() { var activePanel = $('#tabs1-html'), otherPanels ='easytabs').panels.not(activePanel); otherPanels.each(function() { expect( $(this) ).not.toBe(':visible'); }); }); xit('updates url hash', function() { }); xit('selects tab when url hash is updated', function() { }); xit('makes tab from url hash active instead of default tab', function() { }); xit('selects default tab when hash updated to blank (i.e. back button hit to initial page load state', function() { }); }); describe('disconnected tabs and panels', function() { xit('loads tabs', function() { }); xit('loads disconnected panels', function() { }); }); describe('using non-div panels', function() { xit('loads form sections into panels', function() { }); }); describe('animating tab change', function() { describe('transitions', function() { }); }); describe('events', function() { xit('fires easytabs:before event', function() { }); xit('fires easytabs:midTransition event', function() { }); xit('fires easytabs:after event', function() { }); xit('cancels easytabs:before event', function() { }); }); describe('uiTabs', function() { xit('gives tabs proper classes', function() { }); xit('gives panels proper classes', function() { }); }); describe('cycling tabs', function() { }); describe('public methods', function() { }); describe('collapsible', function() { }); describe('ajax tabs', function() { describe('events', function() { xit('fires easytabs:ajax:beforeSend event', function() { }); xit('fires easytabs:ajax:complete event', function() { }); xit('cancels easytabs:ajax:beforeSend event', function() { }); }); describe('caching panels', function() { }); }); });