import {tempEditor} from "./temp-editor" import {EditorSelection, StateField} from "@codemirror/next/state" import {Decoration, DecorationSet, EditorView, WidgetType} from "@codemirror/next/view" import ist from "ist" function flush(cm: EditorView) { } describe("DOM changes", () => { it("notices text changes", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo\nbar") cm.domAtPos(1).node.nodeValue = "froo" flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "froo\nbar") }) it("handles browser enter behavior", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo\nbar"), line0 = cm.domAtPos(0).node line0.appendChild(document.createElement("br")) line0.appendChild(document.createElement("br")) flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "foo\n\nbar") }) it("supports deleting lines", () => { let cm = tempEditor("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6") for (let i = 0, lineDOM = cm.domAtPos(0).node.parentNode!; i < 4; i++) lineDOM.childNodes[1].remove() flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "1\n6") }) it("can deal with large insertions", () => { let cm = tempEditor("okay") let node = document.createElement("div") node.textContent = "ayayayayayay" for (let i = 0, lineDOM = cm.domAtPos(0).node.parentNode!; i < 100; i++) lineDOM.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)) flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "okay" + "\nayayayayayay".repeat(100)) }) it("properly handles selection for ambiguous backspace", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo") cm.dispatch(cm.state.t().setSelection(EditorSelection.single(2))) cm.domAtPos(1).node.nodeValue = "fo" cm.inputState.lastKeyCode = 8 cm.inputState.lastKeyTime = flush(cm) ist(cm.state.selection.primary.anchor, 1) }) it("notices text changes at the end of a long document", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo\nbar\n".repeat(15)) cm.domAtPos(8*15).node.textContent = "a" flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "foo\nbar\n".repeat(15) + "a") }) it("handles replacing a selection with a prefix of itself", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo\nbar") cm.dispatch(cm.state.t().setSelection(EditorSelection.single(0, 7))) cm.contentDOM.textContent = "f" flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "f") }) it("handles replacing a selection with a suffix of itself", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo\nbar") cm.dispatch(cm.state.t().setSelection(EditorSelection.single(0, 7))) cm.contentDOM.textContent = "r" flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "r") }) it("handles replacing a selection with a prefix of itself and something else", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo\nbar") cm.dispatch(cm.state.t().setSelection(EditorSelection.single(0, 7))) cm.contentDOM.textContent = "fa" flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "fa") }) it("handles replacing a selection with a suffix of itself and something else", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo\nbar") cm.dispatch(cm.state.t().setSelection(EditorSelection.single(0, 7))) cm.contentDOM.textContent = "br" flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "br") }) it("handles replacing a selection with new content that shares a prefix and a suffix", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo\nbar") cm.dispatch(cm.state.t().setSelection(EditorSelection.single(1, 6))) cm.contentDOM.textContent = "fo--ar" flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "fo--ar") }) it("handles appending", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo\nbar") cm.dispatch(cm.state.t().setSelection(EditorSelection.single(7, 7))) cm.contentDOM.appendChild(document.createElement("div")) flush(cm) ist(cm.state.doc.toString(), "foo\nbar\n") }) it("handles deleting the first line and the newline after it", () => { let cm = tempEditor("foo\nbar\n\nbaz") cm.contentDOM.innerHTML = "bar