import {Decoration, WidgetType, BlockType, BlockInfo, __test} from "@codemirror/next/view" import {Text} from "@codemirror/next/text" import {ChangedRange} from "@codemirror/next/state" import ist from "ist" const {HeightMap, HeightOracle, MeasuredHeights, QueryType} = __test const byH = QueryType.ByHeight, byP = QueryType.ByPos function o(doc: Text) { return (new HeightOracle).setDoc(doc) } describe("HeightMap", () => { it("starts empty", () => { let empty = HeightMap.empty() ist(empty.length, 0) ist(empty.size, 1) }) function mk(text: Text, deco: any = []) { return HeightMap.empty().applyChanges([Decoration.set(deco)], Text.empty, o(text), [new ChangedRange(0, 0, 0, text.length)]) } function doc(... lineLen: number[]) { let text = => "x".repeat(len)) return Text.of(text) } it("grows to match the document", () => { ist(mk(doc(10, 10, 8)).length, 30) }) class MyWidget extends WidgetType { toDOM() { return document.body } get estimatedHeight() { return this.value } } class NoHeightWidget extends WidgetType { toDOM() { return document.body } } it("separates lines with decorations on them", () => { let map = mk(doc(10, 10, 20, 5), [Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(20)}).range(5), Decoration.replace({}).range(25, 46)]) ist(map.length, 48) ist(map.toString(), "line(10:20) gap(10) line(26-21)") }) it("ignores irrelevant decorations", () => { let map = mk(doc(10, 10, 20, 5), [Decoration.widget({widget: new NoHeightWidget(null)}).range(5), Decoration.mark({class: "ahah"}).range(25, 46)]) ist(map.length, 48) ist(map.toString(), "gap(48)") }) it("drops decorations from the tree when they are deleted", () => { let text = doc(20) let map = mk(text, [Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(20)}).range(5)]) ist(map.toString(), "line(20:20)") map = map.applyChanges([], text, o(text), [new ChangedRange(5, 5, 5, 5)]) ist(map.toString(), "line(20)") }) it("updates the length of replaced decorations for changes", () => { let text = doc(20) let map = mk(text, [Decoration.replace({}).range(5, 15)]) map = map.applyChanges([Decoration.set(Decoration.replace({}).range(5, 10))], text, o(text.replace(7, 12, [""])), [new ChangedRange(7, 12, 7, 7)]) ist(map.toString(), "line(15-5)") }) it("stores information about block widgets", () => { let text = doc(3, 3, 3), oracle = o(text) let map = mk(text, [Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(10), side: -1, block: true}).range(0), Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(13), side: -1, block: true}).range(0), Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(5), side: 1, block: true}).range(3)]) ist(map.toString(), "block(0)-block(0)-line(3)-block(0) gap(7)") ist(map.height, 28 + 3 * oracle.lineHeight) let {type} = map.lineAt(0, byP, text, 0, 0) ist((type as BlockInfo[]).map(b => b.height).join(), [10, 13, oracle.lineHeight, 5].join()) ist(map.lineAt(4, byP, text, 0, 0).top, 28 + oracle.lineHeight) map = map.updateHeight(oracle, 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(0, [8, 12, 10, 20, 40, 20])) ist(map.toString(), "block(0)-block(0)-line(3)-block(0) line(3) line(3)") ist(map.height, 110) }) it("stores information about block ranges", () => { let text = doc(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3) let map = mk(text, [Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(10), side: -1, block: true}).range(4), Decoration.replace({widget: new MyWidget(40), block: true}).range(4, 11), Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(15), side: 1, block: true}).range(11), // This one covers the block widgets around it (due to being inclusive) Decoration.replace({widget: new MyWidget(50), block: true, inclusive: true}).range(16, 19), Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(20), side: -1, block: true}).range(16), Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(10), side: 1, block: true}).range(19)]) ist(map.toString(), "gap(3) block(0)-block(7)-block(0) gap(3) block(3) gap(3)") map = map.updateHeight(o(text), 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(4, [5, 5, 5, 10, 5])) ist(map.height, 2 * o(text).lineHeight + 30) }) it("handles empty lines correctly", () => { let text = doc(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) let map = mk(text, [Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(10), side: -1, block: true}).range(1), Decoration.replace({widget: new MyWidget(20), block: true}).range(2, 2), Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(30), side: 1, block: true}).range(3)]) ist(map.toString(), "gap(0) block(0)-line(0) block(0) line(0)-block(0) gap(0)") map = map.applyChanges([], text, o(text.replace(1, 3, ["y"])), [new ChangedRange(1, 3, 1, 2)]) ist(map.toString(), "gap(3)") }) it("joins ranges", () => { let text = doc(10, 10, 10, 10) let map = mk(text, [Decoration.replace({}).range(16, 27)]) ist(map.toString(), "gap(10) line(21-11) gap(10)") map = map.applyChanges([], text, o(text.replace(5, 38, ["yyy"])), [new ChangedRange(5, 38, 5, 8)]) ist(map.toString(), "gap(13)") }) it("joins lines", () => { let text = doc(10, 10, 10) let map = mk(text, [Decoration.replace({}).range(2, 5), Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(20)}).range(24)]) ist(map.toString(), "line(10-3) gap(10) line(10:20)") map = map.applyChanges([ Decoration.set([Decoration.replace({}).range(2, 5), Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(20)}).range(12)]) ], text, o(text.replace(10, 22, [""])), [new ChangedRange(10, 22, 10, 10)]) ist(map.toString(), "line(20-3:20)") }) it("materializes lines for measured heights", () => { let text = doc(10, 10, 10, 10), oracle = o(text) let map = mk(text, []) .updateHeight(oracle, 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(11, [28, 14, 5])) ist(map.toString(), "gap(10) line(10) line(10) line(10)") ist(map.height, 61) }) it("can update lines across the tree", () => { let text = doc( Array(100).fill(10)), oracle = o(text) let map = mk(text).updateHeight(oracle, 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(0, new Array(100).fill(12))) ist(map.height, 1200) ist(map.size, 100) map = map.updateHeight(oracle, 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(55, new Array(90).fill(10))) ist(map.height, 1020) ist(map.size, 100) }) function depth(heightMap: any): number { let {left, right} = heightMap return left ? Math.max(depth(left), depth(right)) + 1 : 1 } it("balances a big tree", () => { let text = doc( Array(100).fill(30)), oracle = o(text) let map = mk(text).updateHeight(oracle, 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(0, new Array(100).fill(15))) ist(map.height, 1500) ist(map.size, 100) ist(depth(map), 9, "<") let text2 = text.replace(0, 31 * 80, [""]) map = map.applyChanges([], text, o(text2), [new ChangedRange(0, 31 * 80, 0, 0)]) ist(map.size, 20) ist(depth(map), 7, "<") let len = text2.length let text3 = text2.replace(len, len, "\nfoo".repeat(200).split("\n")) map = map.applyChanges([], text2, o(text3), [new ChangedRange(len, len, len, len + 800)]) map = map.updateHeight(oracle.setDoc(text3), 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(len + 1, new Array(200).fill(10))) ist(map.size, 220) ist(depth(map), 12, "<") }) it("can handle inserting a line break", () => { let text = doc(3, 3, 3), oracle = o(text) let map = mk(text).updateHeight(oracle, 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(0, [10, 10, 10])) ist(map.size, 3) let text2 = text.replace(3, 3, ["", ""]) map = map.applyChanges([], text, oracle.setDoc(text2), [new ChangedRange(3, 3, 3, 4)]) .updateHeight(oracle, 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(0, [10, 10, 10, 10])) ist(map.size, 4) ist(map.height, 40) }) it("can handle insertion in the middle of a line", () => { let text = doc(3, 3, 3), oracle = o(text) let map = mk(text).updateHeight(oracle, 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(0, [10, 10, 10])) let text2 = text.replace(5, 5, ["foo", "bar", "baz", "bug"]) map = map.applyChanges([], text, o(text2), [new ChangedRange(5, 5, 5, 20)]) .updateHeight(o(text2), 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(0, [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10])) ist(map.size, 6) ist(map.height, 60) }) describe("blockAt", () => { it("finds blocks in a gap", () => { let text = doc(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), map = mk(text) let block1 = map.blockAt(0, text, 0, 0) ist(block1.from, 0); ist(, 3) ist(, 0); ist(block1.bottom, 0, ">") ist(block1.type, BlockType.Text) let block2 = map.blockAt(block1.bottom + 1, text, 0, 0) ist(block2.from, 4); ist(, 7) ist(, block1.bottom); ist(block2.bottom, block1.bottom, ">") let block3 = map.blockAt(1e9, text, 0, 0) ist(block3.from, 16); ist(, 19) ist(block3.bottom, map.height) }) it("finds blocks in lines", () => { let text = doc(3, 3, 3, 3), map = mk(text).updateHeight(o(text), 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(0, [10, 20, 10, 30])) let block1 = map.blockAt(-100, text, 0, 0) ist(block1.from, 0); ist(, 3) ist(, 0); ist(block1.bottom, 10) ist(block1.type, BlockType.Text) let block2 = map.blockAt(39, text, 0, 0) ist(block2.from, 8); ist(, 11) ist(, 30); ist(block2.bottom, 40) let block3 = map.blockAt(77, text, 0, 0) ist(block3.from, 12); ist(, 15) ist(, 40); ist(block3.bottom, 70) }) it("finds widget blocks", () => { let text = doc(3, 3, 3, 3) let map = mk(text, [Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(100), block: true, side: -1}).range(4), Decoration.replace({widget: new MyWidget(30), block: true}).range(8, 11), Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(0), block: true, side: 1}).range(15)]) let block1 = map.blockAt(0, text, 0, 0) ist(block1.from, 0); ist(, 3) let block2 = map.blockAt(block1.height + 1, text, 0, 0) ist(block2.from, 4); ist(, 4) ist(, block1.height); ist(block2.height, 100) ist(block2.type, BlockType.WidgetBefore) let top3 = block2.bottom + block1.height let block3 = map.blockAt(top3 + 10, text, 0, 0) ist(block3.from, 8); ist(, 11) ist(, top3); ist(block3.height, 30) ist(block3.type, BlockType.WidgetRange) let block4 = map.blockAt(block3.bottom + block1.height, text, 0, 0) ist(block4.type, BlockType.WidgetAfter, "!=") }) }) function eqBlock(a: BlockInfo, b: BlockInfo) { return a.from == b.from && == && == && a.bottom == b.bottom } describe("lineAt", () => { it("finds lines in gaps", () => { let text = doc(3, 3, 3, 3), map = mk(text) let line1 = map.lineAt(0, byP, text, 0, 0) ist(line1.from, 0); ist(, 3) ist(, 0) ist(map.lineAt(0, byH, text, 0, 0), line1, eqBlock) let line2 = map.lineAt( + 1, byP, text, 0, 0) ist(line2.from, 4); ist(, 7) ist(, line1.bottom) ist(map.lineAt(line1.bottom + 1, byH, text, 0, 0), line2, eqBlock) let line3 = map.lineAt(15, byP, text, 0, 0) ist(line3.from, 12); ist(, 15) ist(line3.bottom, map.height) ist(map.lineAt(1e9, byH, text, 0, 0), line3, eqBlock) }) it("finds lines in lines", () => { let text = doc(3, 3, 3, 3), map = mk(text).updateHeight(o(text), 0, false, new MeasuredHeights(0, [10, 10, 20, 10])) let line1 = map.lineAt(0, byP, text, 0, 0) ist(line1.from, 0); ist(, 3) ist(, 0); ist(line1.bottom, 10) ist(map.lineAt(9, byH, text, 0, 0), line1, eqBlock) let line2 = map.lineAt(9, byP, text, 0, 0) ist(line2.from, 8); ist(, 11) ist(, 20); ist(line2.bottom, 40) ist(map.lineAt(39, byH, text, 0, 0), line2, eqBlock) }) it("includes adjacent widgets in lines", () => { let text = doc(3, 3, 3, 3) let map = mk(text, [Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(100), block: true, side: -1}).range(4), Decoration.replace({widget: new MyWidget(30), block: true}).range(7, 8), Decoration.widget({widget: new MyWidget(0), block: true, side: 1}).range(15)]) let line1 = map.lineAt(4, byP, text, 0, 0) ist(line1.from, 4); ist(, 11) ist((line1.type as any[]).length, 4) ist(map.lineAt( + 1, byH, text, 0, 0), line1, eqBlock) ist(map.lineAt(line1.bottom - 1, byH, text, 0, 0), line1, eqBlock) ist(map.lineAt( + line1.height / 2, byH, text, 0, 0), line1, eqBlock) ist(map.lineAt(5, byP, text, 0, 0), line1, eqBlock) ist(map.lineAt(7, byP, text, 0, 0), line1, eqBlock) ist(map.lineAt(11, byP, text, 0, 0), line1, eqBlock) let line2 = map.lineAt(map.height, byH, text, 0, 0) ist(line2.from, 12); ist(, 15) ist((line2.type as any[]).length!, 2) ist(map.lineAt( + 1, byH, text, 0, 0), line2, eqBlock) }) }) })