'.$GLOBALS['ERROR'].''; return; } if( !is_object( $database )) { $database = JFactory::getDBO(); } $res = new StdClass(); $database->setQuery( 'SELECT id, name FROM `#__menu` WHERE link LIKE \'%option=com_extplorer%\' ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 1'); $database->loadObject( $res ); if( is_object( $res ) && !empty( $res->name )) { $name = $res->name; } else { $name = ''; } if( $name || $dir ) { $mainframe->setPageTitle( $name.' - '.$dir ); } $action = extGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'action', 'list'); $item = extGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'item', ''); // Here we allow *download* and *directory listing*, nothing more, nothing less switch( $action ) { case 'download': require _EXT_PATH . "/include/download.php"; ext_Download::execAction($dir, $item); exit; case 'list': default: list_dir($dir); break; } // A small nice footer. Remove if you don't want to give credit to the developer. echo '
powered by eXtplorer ';