import ist from "ist" import {handleInsertion, handleBackspace} from "@codemirror/next/closebrackets" import {EditorState, EditorSelection, languageData} from "@codemirror/next/state" import {Text} from "@codemirror/next/text" import {StreamSyntax} from "@codemirror/next/stream-syntax" function s(doc = "", anchor = 0, head = anchor) { return EditorState.create({doc, selection: EditorSelection.single(anchor, head)}) } function same(s0: null | {doc: Text, selection: EditorSelection}, s1: {doc: Text, selection: EditorSelection}) { ist(s0) ist(s0!.doc.toString(), s1.doc.toString()) ist(JSON.stringify(s0!.selection), JSON.stringify(s1.selection)) } describe("closeBrackets", () => { it("closes brackets", () => { same(handleInsertion(s(), "("), s("()", 1)) same(handleInsertion(s("foo", 3), "["), s("foo[]", 4)) same(handleInsertion(s(), "{"), s("{}", 1)) }) it("closes brackets before whitespace", () => { same(handleInsertion(s("foo bar", 3), "("), s("foo() bar", 4)) same(handleInsertion(s("\t"), "{"), s("{}\t", 1)) }) it("doesn't close brackets before regular chars", () => { ist(!handleInsertion(s("foo bar", 4), "(")) ist(!handleInsertion(s("foo bar", 5), "[")) ist(!handleInsertion(s("*"), "{")) }) it("closes brackets before allowed chars", () => { same(handleInsertion(s("foo }", 4), "("), s("foo ()}", 5)) same(handleInsertion(s("foo :", 4), "["), s("foo []:", 5)) }) it("surrounds selected content", () => { same(handleInsertion(s("onetwothree", 3, 6), "("), s("one(two)three", 4, 7)) same(handleInsertion(s("okay", 4, 0), "["), s("[okay]", 5, 1)) }) it("skips matching close brackets", () => { same(handleInsertion(s("foo()", 4), ")"), s("foo()", 5)) same(handleInsertion(s("[]x", 1), "]"), s("[]x", 2)) }) it("doesn't skip when there's a selection", () => { ist(!handleInsertion(s("(a)", 1, 2), ")")) }) it("doesn't skip when the next char doesn't match", () => { ist(!handleInsertion(s("(a)", 1, 2), "]")) }) it("closes quotes", () => { same(handleInsertion(s(), "'"), s("''", 1)) same(handleInsertion(s("foo ", 4), "\""), s("foo \"\"", 5)) }) it("wraps quotes around the selection", () => { same(handleInsertion(s("a b c", 2, 3), "'"), s("a 'b' c", 3, 4)) same(handleInsertion(s("boop", 3, 1), "'"), s("b'oo'p", 4, 2)) }) it("doesn't close quotes in words", () => { ist(!handleInsertion(s("ab", 1), "'")) ist(!handleInsertion(s("ab", 2), "'")) ist(!handleInsertion(s("ab", 0), "'")) }) const syntax = new StreamSyntax({ docProps: [[languageData, {closeBrackets: {brackets: ["(", "'", "'''"]}}]], token(stream) { if (stream.match("'''")) { while (!stream.match("'''") && !stream.eol()) return "string" } else if (stream.match("'")) { while (!stream.match("'") && !stream.eol()) return "string" } else { return "" } } }) function st(doc = "", anchor = 0, head = anchor) { return EditorState.create({doc, selection: EditorSelection.single(anchor, head), extensions: [syntax.extension]}) } it("skips closing quotes", () => { same(handleInsertion(st("'foo'", 4), "'"), st("'foo'", 5)) }) it("closes triple-quotes", () => { same(handleInsertion(st("''", 2), "'"), st("''''''", 3)) }) it("skips closing triple-quotes", () => { same(handleInsertion(st("''''''", 3), "'"), st("''''''", 6)) }) it("closes quotes before another string", () => { same(handleInsertion(st("foo ''", 4), "'"), st("foo ''''", 5)) }) it("backspaces out pairs of brackets", () => { same(handleBackspace(st("()", 1)), st("")) same(handleBackspace(st("okay ''", 6)), st("okay ", 5)) }) it("doesn't backspace out non-brackets", () => { ist(!handleBackspace(st("(]", 1))) ist(!handleBackspace(st("(", 1))) ist(!handleBackspace(st("-]", 1))) ist(!handleBackspace(st("", 0))) }) })