1017 lines
46 KiB
Executable File
1017 lines
46 KiB
Executable File
// ensure this file is being included by a parent file
if( !defined( '_JEXEC' ) && !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) ) die( 'Restricted access' );
* @package eXtplorer
* @copyright soeren 2007-2015
* @author The eXtplorer project (http://extplorer.net)
* @license
* @version $Id: application.js.php 244 2015-09-11 10:03:20Z soeren $
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in
* which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of
* those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
* your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
* deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and
* other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
* under either the MPL or the GPL."
* Layout and Application Logic Functions based on ExtJS
<script type="text/javascript">
var datastore;
function ext_init(){
Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = "<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/scripts/extjs3/resources/images/default/s.gif";
// create the Data Store
datastore = new Ext.data.Store({
proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
url: "<?php echo $GLOBALS['script_name'] ?>",
directory: "/",
params:{start:0, limit:150, dir: this.directory, option:"com_extplorer", action:"getdircontents" }
directory: "/",
sendWhat: "both",
// create reader that reads the File records
reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
root: "items",
totalProperty: "totalCount"
}, Ext.data.Record.create([
{name: "name"},
{name: "size"},
{name: "type"},
{name: "modified"},
{name: "perms"},
{name: "icon"},
{name: "owner"},
{name: "is_deletable"},
{name: "is_file"},
{name: "is_archive"},
{name: "is_writable"},
{name: "is_chmodable"},
{name: "is_readable"},
{name: "is_deletable"},
{name: "is_editable"}
// turn on remote sorting
remoteSort: true
datastore.paramNames["dir"] = "direction";
datastore.paramNames["sort"] = "order";
datastore.on("beforeload", function(ds, options) {
options.params.dir = options.params.dir ? options.params.dir : ds.directory;
options.params.option = "com_extplorer";
options.params.action = "getdircontents";
options.params.sendWhat = datastore.sendWhat;
// pluggable renders
function renderFileName(value,p, record){
var t = new Ext.Template("<img src=\"{0}\" alt=\"* \" align=\"absmiddle\" /> <b>{1}</b>");
return t.apply([record.get('icon'), value.toString().replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/gim, function(i) { return '&#'+i.charCodeAt(0)+';';})] );
function renderType(value){
var t = new Ext.Template("<i>{0}</i>");
return t.apply([value]);
var gridtb = new Ext.Toolbar([
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_home',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_home.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('homelink', true ) ?>',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('homelink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { chDir('') }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_reload',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_reload.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('reloadlink', true ) ?>',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('reloadlink', true ) ?>',
handler: loadDir
<?php if( !ext_isFTPMode() ) { ?>
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_search',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_filefind.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('searchlink', true ) ?>',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('searchlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'search'); }
<?php } ?>
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_new',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_filenew.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('newlink', true ) ?>',
disabled: <?php echo $allow ? 'false' : 'true' ?>,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'mkitem'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_edit',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_edit.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('editlink', true ) ?>',
disabled: <?php echo $allow ? 'false' : 'true' ?>,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'edit'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_copy',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_editcopy.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('copylink', true ) ?>',
disabled: <?php echo $allow ? 'false' : 'true' ?>,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'copy'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_move',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_move.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('movelink', true ) ?>',
disabled: <?php echo $allow ? 'false' : 'true' ?>,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'move'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_delete',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_editdelete.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('dellink', true ) ?>',
disabled: <?php echo $allow ? 'false' : 'true' ?>,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'delete'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_rename',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_fonts.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('renamelink', true ) ?>',
disabled: <?php echo $allow ? 'false' : 'true' ?>,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'rename'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_chmod',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_chmod.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('chmodlink', true ) ?>',
disabled: <?php echo $allow ? 'false' : 'true' ?>,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'chmod'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_view',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_view.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('viewlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'view'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_diff',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/extension/document.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('difflink', true ) ?>',
disabled: <?php echo $allow ? 'false' : 'true' ?>,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'diff'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_download',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_down.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('downlink', true ) ?>',
disabled: <?php echo $allow ? 'false' : 'true' ?>,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this,'download'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_upload',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_up.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('uploadlink', true ) ?>',
disabled: <?php echo $allow && ini_get('file_uploads') ? 'false' : 'true' ?>,
handler: function() {
Ext.ux.OnDemandLoad.load("<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/scripts/extjs3-ext/ux.swfupload/SwfUploadPanel.css");
Ext.ux.OnDemandLoad.load("<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/scripts/extjs3-ext/ux.swfupload/SwfUpload.js" );
Ext.ux.OnDemandLoad.load("<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/scripts/extjs3-ext/ux.swfupload/SwfUploadPanel.js",
function(options) { openActionDialog(this, 'upload'); });
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_archive',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_archive.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('comprlink', true ) ?>',
<?php if( ($GLOBALS["zip"] || $GLOBALS["tar"] || $GLOBALS["tgz"]) && !ext_isFTPMode() ) { ?>
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'archive'); }
<?php } else { ?>
disabled: true
<?php } ?>
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_extract',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_extract.gif',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('extractlink', true ) ?>',
<?php if( ($GLOBALS["zip"] || $GLOBALS["tar"] || $GLOBALS["tgz"]) && !ext_isFTPMode() ) { ?>
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'extract'); }
<?php } else { ?>
disabled: true
<?php } ?>
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_info',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_help.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('aboutlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'get_about'); }
if(!empty($GLOBALS["require_login"])) {
if($admin) {
{ // ADMIN
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_admin',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_admin.gif',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('adminlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'admin'); }
xtype: "tbbutton",
id: 'tb_logout',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_logout.png',
tooltip: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('logoutlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { document.location.href='<?php echo ext_make_link('logout', null ) ?>'; }
new Ext.Toolbar.Button( {
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('show_directories', true ) ?>',
enableToggle: true,
pressed: true,
handler: function(btn,e) {
if( btn.pressed ) {
datastore.sendWhat= 'both';
} else {
datastore.sendWhat= 'files';
}), '-',
new Ext.form.TextField( {
name: "filterValue",
id: "filterField",
enableKeyEvents: true,
emptyText: "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('filter_grid', true ) ?>",
title: "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('filter_grid', true ) ?>",
listeners: {
keypress: { fn: function(textfield, e ) {
if( e.getKey() == Ext.EventObject.ENTER ) {
datastore.baseParams.searchword = Ext.getCmp("filterField").getValue();
datastore.load({params: datastore.baseParams });
change: {
fn: function(field, newValue) {
datastore.baseParams.searchword = newValue;
new Ext.form.DateField({
tooltip: 'Start',
emptyText: "Start",
name: 'mdate_start',
id: 'mdate_start',
listeners: {
change: {
fn: function (field, newValue) {
datastore.baseParams.mdate_start = newValue;
width: 90,
new Ext.form.DateField({
tooltip: 'End',
name: 'mdate_end',
id: 'mdate_end',
emptyText: "End",
listeners: {
change: {
fn: function (field, newValue) {
datastore.baseParams.mdate_end = newValue;
width: 90
new Ext.Toolbar.Button( {
text: ' X ',
handler: function() {
datastore.baseParams.searchword = "";
datastore.baseParams.mdate_start = "";
datastore.baseParams.mdate_end = "";
function filterDataStore(btn,e) {
var filterVal = Ext.getCmp("filterField").getValue();
if( filterVal.length > 1 ) {
datastore.filter( 'name', eval('/'+filterVal+'/gi') );
} else {
// add a paging toolbar to the grid's footer
var gridbb = new Ext.PagingToolbar({
store: datastore,
pageSize: 150,
displayInfo: true,
displayMsg: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg( 'paging_info', true ) ?>',
emptyMsg: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg( 'paging_noitems', true ) ?>',
beforePageText: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('paging_page', true ) ?>',
afterPageText: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('paging_of_X', true ) ?>',
firstText: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('paging_firstpage', true ) ?>',
lastText: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('paging_lastpage', true ) ?>',
nextText: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('paging_nextpage', true ) ?>',
prevText: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('paging_prevpage', true ) ?>',
refreshText: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('reloadlink', true ) ?>',
items: ['-',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',
new Ext.ux.StatusBar({
defaultText: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('done', true ) ?>',
id: 'statusPanel'
// the column model has information about grid columns
// dataIndex maps the column to the specific data field in
// the data store
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
columns: [{
id: 'gridcm', // id assigned so we can apply custom css (e.g. .x-grid-col-topic b { color:#333 })
header: "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('nameheader', true ) ?>",
dataIndex: 'name',
width: 250,
sortable: true,
renderer: renderFileName,
editor: new Ext.form.TextField({
allowBlank: false
css: 'white-space:normal;'
header: "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('sizeheader', true ) ?>",
dataIndex: 'size',
width: 50,
sortable: true
header: "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('typeheader', true ) ?>",
dataIndex: 'type',
width: 70,
sortable: true,
align: 'right',
renderer: renderType
header: "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('modifheader', true ) ?>",
dataIndex: 'modified',
width: 150,
sortable: true
header: "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('permheader', true ) ?>",
dataIndex: 'perms',
width: 100,
sortable: true
header: "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('miscowner', true ) ?>",
dataIndex: 'owner',
width: 100,
sortable: false
{ dataIndex: 'is_deletable', header: "is_deletable", hidden: true, hideable: false },
{dataIndex: 'is_file', hidden: true, hideable: false },
{dataIndex: 'is_archive', hidden: true, hideable: false },
{dataIndex: 'is_writable', hidden: true, hideable: false },
{dataIndex: 'is_chmodable', hidden: true, hideable: false },
{dataIndex: 'is_readable', hidden: true, hideable: false },
{dataIndex: 'is_deletable', hidden: true, hideable: false },
{dataIndex: 'is_editable', hidden: true, hideable: false }],
defaults: {
sortable: true
// Unregister the default double click action (which makes the name field editable - we want this when the user clicks "Rename" in the menu)
//ext_itemgrid.un('celldblclick', ext_itemgrid.onCellDblClick);
function handleRowClick(sm, rowIndex) {
var selections = sm.getSelections();
tb = ext_itemgrid.getTopToolbar();
if( selections.length > 1 ) {
} else if(selections.length == 1) {
tb.items.get('tb_edit')[selections[0].get('is_editable')&&selections[0].get('is_readable') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
tb.items.get('tb_delete')[selections[0].get('is_deletable') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
tb.items.get('tb_rename')[selections[0].get('is_deletable') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
tb.items.get('tb_chmod')[selections[0].get('is_chmodable') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
tb.items.get('tb_download')[selections[0].get('is_readable')&&selections[0].get('is_file') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
tb.items.get('tb_extract')[selections[0].get('is_archive') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
} else {
return true;
// The Quicktips are used for the toolbar and Tree mouseover tooltips!
// trigger the data store load
function loadDir() {
datastore.load({params:{start:0, limit:150, dir: datastore.directory, option:'com_extplorer', action:'getdircontents', sendWhat: datastore.sendWhat }});
function rowContextMenu(grid, rowIndex, e, f) {
if( typeof e == 'object') {
} else {
e = f;
gsm = ext_itemgrid.getSelectionModel();
gsm.clickedRow = rowIndex;
var selections = gsm.getSelections();
if( selections.length > 1 ) {
} else if(selections.length == 1) {
gridCtxMenu.items.get('gc_edit')[selections[0].get('is_editable')&&selections[0].get('is_readable') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
gridCtxMenu.items.get('gc_delete')[selections[0].get('is_deletable') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
gridCtxMenu.items.get('gc_rename')[selections[0].get('is_deletable') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
gridCtxMenu.items.get('gc_chmod')[selections[0].get('is_chmodable') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
gridCtxMenu.items.get('gc_download')[selections[0].get('is_readable')&&selections[0].get('is_file') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
gridCtxMenu.items.get('gc_extract')[selections[0].get('is_archive') ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
gridCtxMenu.show(e.getTarget(), 'tr-br?' );
gridCtxMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
items: [{
id: 'gc_edit',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_edit.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('editlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'edit'); }
id: 'gc_diff',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/extension/document.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('difflink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'diff'); }
id: 'gc_rename',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_fonts.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('renamelink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { ext_itemgrid.onCellDblClick( ext_itemgrid, gsm.clickedRow, 0 ); gsm.clickedRow = null; }
id: 'gc_copy',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_editcopy.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('copylink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'copy'); }
id: 'gc_move',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_move.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('movelink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'move'); }
id: 'gc_chmod',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_chmod.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('chmodlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'chmod'); }
id: 'gc_delete',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_editdelete.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('dellink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'delete'); }
id: 'gc_view',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_view.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('viewlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'view'); }
id: 'gc_download',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_down.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('downlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this,'download'); }
<?php if( ($GLOBALS["zip"] || $GLOBALS["tar"] || $GLOBALS["tgz"]) ) { ?>
id: 'gc_archive',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_archive.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('comprlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'archive'); }
id: 'gc_extract',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_extract.gif',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('extractlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'extract'); }
<?php } ?>
id: 'cancel',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_cancel.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { gridCtxMenu.hide(); }
function dirContext(node, e ) {
// Select the node that was right clicked
// Unselect all files in the grid
dirCtxMenu.items.get('dirCtxMenu_rename')[node.attributes.is_deletable ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
dirCtxMenu.items.get('dirCtxMenu_remove')[node.attributes.is_deletable ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
dirCtxMenu.items.get('dirCtxMenu_chmod')[node.attributes.is_chmodable ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
dirCtxMenu.node = node;
dirCtxMenu.show(e.getTarget(), 't-b?' );
function copymove( action ) {
var s = dropEvent.data.selections, r = [];
if( s ) {
// Dragged from the Grid
requestParams = getRequestParams();
requestParams.new_dir = dropEvent.target.id.replace( /_RRR_/g, '/' );
requestParams.new_dir = requestParams.new_dir.replace( /ext_root/g, '' );
requestParams.confirm = 'true';
requestParams.action = action;
} else {
// Dragged from inside the tree
//alert('Move ' + dropEvent.data.node.id.replace( /_RRR_/g, '/' )+' to '+ dropEvent.target.id.replace( /_RRR_/g, '/' ));
requestParams = getRequestParams();
requestParams.dir = datastore.directory.substring( 0, datastore.directory.lastIndexOf('/'));
requestParams.new_dir = dropEvent.target.id.replace( /_RRR_/g, '/' );
requestParams.new_dir = requestParams.new_dir.replace( /ext_root/g, '' );
requestParams.selitems = Array( dropEvent.data.node.id.replace( /_RRR_/g, '/' ) );
requestParams.confirm = 'true';
requestParams.action = action;
// context menus
var dirCtxMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
items: [ {
id: 'dirCtxMenu_new',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_folder_new.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('newlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() {dirCtxMenu.hide();openActionDialog(this, 'mkitem');}
id: 'dirCtxMenu_rename',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_fonts.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('renamelink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { dirCtxMenu.hide();openActionDialog(this, 'rename'); }
id: 'dirCtxMenu_copy',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_editcopy.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('copylink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { dirCtxMenu.hide();openActionDialog(this, 'copy'); }
id: 'dirCtxMenu_move',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_move.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('movelink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { dirCtxMenu.hide();openActionDialog(this, 'move'); }
id: 'dirCtxMenu_chmod',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_chmod.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('chmodlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { dirCtxMenu.hide();openActionDialog(this, 'chmod'); }
id: 'dirCtxMenu_remove',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_editdelete.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btnremove', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { dirCtxMenu.hide();var num = 1; Ext.Msg.confirm('Confirm', String.format("<?php echo $GLOBALS['error_msg']['miscdelitems'] ?>", num ), function(btn) { deleteDir( btn, dirCtxMenu.node ) }); }
<?php if( ($GLOBALS["zip"] || $GLOBALS["tar"] || $GLOBALS["tgz"]) && !ext_isFTPMode() ) { ?>
id: 'dirCtxMenu_archive',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_archive.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('comprlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'archive'); }
<?php } ?>
id: 'dirCtxMenu_reload',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_reload.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('reloadlink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { dirCtxMenu.hide();dirCtxMenu.node.reload(); }
id: 'dirCtxMenu_cancel',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_cancel.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { dirCtxMenu.hide(); }
var copymoveCtxMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
items: [ {
id: 'copymoveCtxMenu_copy',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_editcopy.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('copylink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() {copymoveCtxMenu.hide();copymove('copy');}
id: 'copymoveCtxMenu_move',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_move.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('movelink', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { copymoveCtxMenu.hide();copymove('move'); }
id: 'copymoveCtxMenu_cancel',
icon: '<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_cancel.png',
text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true ) ?>',
handler: function() { copymoveCtxMenu.hide(); }
function copymoveCtx(e){
//ctxMenu.items.get('remove')[node.attributes.allowDelete ? 'enable' : 'disable']();
// Hide the Admin Menu under Joomla! 1.5
} catch(e) {}
// Hide the Admin Menu under Joomla! 1.0
} catch(e) {}
// RT MissionControl Fix
try{ Ext.fly('mc-footer').hide(); Ext.fly('mc-header').hide();Ext.fly('mc-component').hide();Ext.fly('mc-frame').hide(); } catch(e) {}
// Hide Top and Bottom Bar in Joomla! 3.0
nav = Ext.query('nav'); Ext.get(nav).hide();
header = Ext.query('header'); Ext.get(header).hide();
} catch(e) {}
var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
defaults: {
split: true
initialSize: 50,
titlebar: false,
closable: false,
contentEl: "ext_header"
xtype: "treepanel",
region: "west",
id: "dirTree",
title: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('directory_tree', true ) ?> <img src="<?php echo _EXT_URL ?>/images/_reload.png" hspace="20" style="cursor:pointer;" title="reload" onclick="Ext.getCmp(\'dirTree\').getRootNode().reload();" alt="Reload" align="middle" />',
closable: false,
width: 230,
titlebar: true,
//rootVisible: false,
loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
preloadChildren: true,
dataUrl:'<?php echo basename( $GLOBALS['script_name']) ?>',
baseParams: {option:'com_extplorer', action:'getdircontents', dir: '',sendWhat: 'dirs'}, // custom http params
listeners: {
"beforeload": {
fn: function(loader, node ) {
if( node )
if( datastore.directory == node.id.replace( /_RRR_/g, '/' ) ) {
var conn = datastore.proxy.getConnection();
if( conn.isLoading() ) {
return false;
containerScroll: true,
ddGroup : 'TreeDD',
listeners: {
//"load": { fn: function(node) { chDir( node.id.replace( /_RRR_/g, '/' ), true ); } },
'contextmenu': { fn: dirContext },
'textchange': { fn: function(node, text, oldText) {
if( text == oldText ) return true;
var requestParams = getRequestParams();
var dir = node.parentNode.id.replace( /_RRR_/g, '/' );
if( dir == 'ext_root' ) dir = '';
requestParams.dir = dir;
requestParams.newitemname = text;
requestParams.item = oldText;
requestParams.confirm = 'true';
requestParams.action = 'rename';
return true;
'beforenodedrop': { fn: function(e){
dropEvent = e;
'beforemove': { fn: function() { return false; } }
root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
text: '/',
expanded: true,
listeners: {
'contextmenu': { fn: dirContext },
'load': { fn: expandTreeToDir }
layout: "border",
region: "center",
items: [{
region: "north",
xtype: "locationbar",
id: "locationbarcmp",
height: 28
region: "center",
xtype: "tabpanel",
id: "mainpanel",
enableTabScroll: true,
activeTab: 0,
items: [{
xtype: "editorgrid",
region: "center",
title: "<?php echo ext_lang::msg("actdir", true ) ?>",
collapsible: false,
closeOnTab: true,
id: "gridpanel",
ds: datastore,
cm: cm,
tbar: gridtb,
bbar: gridbb,
ddGroup : 'TreeDD',
enableDragDrop: true,
selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
listeners: {
'rowselect': { fn: handleRowClick },
'selectionchange': { fn: handleRowClick }
loadMask: true,
key: 'c',
ctrl: true,
stopEvent: true,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'copy'); }
key: 'x',
ctrl: true,
stopEvent: true,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'move'); }
key: 'a',
ctrl: true,
stopEvent: true,
handler: function() {
key: Ext.EventObject.DELETE,
handler: function() { openActionDialog(this, 'delete'); }
listeners: { 'rowcontextmenu': { fn: rowContextMenu },
'celldblclick': { fn: function( grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e ) {
if( Ext.isOpera ) {
// because Opera <= 9 doesn't support the right-mouse-button-clicked event (contextmenu)
// we need to simulate it using the ondblclick event
rowContextMenu( grid, rowIndex, e );
} else {
gsm = ext_itemgrid.getSelectionModel();
gsm.clickedRow = rowIndex;
var selections = gsm.getSelections();
if( !selections[0].get('is_file') ) {
chDir( datastore.directory + '/' + selections[0].get('name') );
} else if( selections[0].get('is_editable')) {
openActionDialog( this, 'edit' );
} else if( selections[0].get('is_readable')) {
openActionDialog( this, 'view' );
'validateedit': { fn: function(e) {
if( e.value == e.originalValue ) return true;
var requestParams = getRequestParams();
requestParams.newitemname = e.value;
requestParams.item = e.originalValue;
requestParams.confirm = 'true';
requestParams.action = 'rename';
return true;
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
listeners: { "afterlayout": {
fn: function() {
ext_itemgrid = Ext.getCmp("gridpanel");
//dirTree = Ext.getCmp("dirTree");
locbar = Ext.getCmp("locationbarcmp");
locbar.tree = Ext.getCmp("dirTree");
try{ locbar.initComponent(); } catch(e) {}
dirTree.loader.on('load', function(loader, o, response ) {
if( response && response.responseText ) {
var json = Ext.decode( response.responseText );
if( json && json.error ) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', json.error +'onLoad');
var tsm = Ext.getCmp("dirTree").getSelectionModel();
tsm.on('selectionchange', handleNodeClick );
// create the editor for the directory tree
var dirTreeEd = new Ext.tree.TreeEditor(Ext.getCmp("dirTree"), {
blankText:'A name is required',
chDir( '<?php echo str_replace("'", "\'", $dir ) ?>' );
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider({
expires: new Date(new Date().getTime()+(1000*60*60*24*7)) //7 days from now
if( $GLOBALS['require_login'] && $GLOBALS['mainframe']->getUserName() == 'admin' && ($GLOBALS['mainframe']->getPassword() == extEncodePassword('admin') || $GLOBALS['mainframe']->getPassword() == md5('admin'))) {
// Urge User to change admin password!
echo 'msgbox = Ext.Msg.alert(\''.ext_Lang::msg('password_warning_title', true ).'\', \''.ext_Lang::msg('password_warning_text', true ) .'\',
function(btn) { if( btn == \'ok\' ) openActionDialog( null, \'admin\') }
if( typeof Ext == 'undefined' ) {
document.location = '<?php echo basename( $GLOBALS['script_name']) ?>?option=com_extplorer&nofetchscript=1';
function startExtplorer() {
// As this file is included inline (because otherwise it would throw Element not found JS errors in IE)
// we need to run the init function onLoad, not onDocumentReady in IE
Ext.EventManager.addListener(window, "load", ext_init );
} else {
// Other Browsers eat onReady
Ext.onReady( ext_init );
if( ext_isJoomla('1.0.13', '=')) {
echo " Ext.Msg.confirm('Joomla! = 1.0.13 detected', 'eXtplorer is not compatible with Joomla! 1.0.13. But if you have applied the <br /><a href=\"http://forum.joomla.org/index.php/topic,193707.msg943504.html#msg943504\">Hotfix for Joomla! 1.0.13</a>, you can continue.<br />'
+ '<b>Do you have a "hotfixed" version of Joomla! 1.0.13?</b>', function(btn) { if( btn == 'no' ) document.location='index2.php'; else startExtplorer(); } );\n";
} else {
echo 'startExtplorer();';